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Problems and Bugs » QRecallHelper stuck trying to open an archive

Author: Jeffrey Kane
5 years ago
I was trying to repair an archive, and QRecall is stuck displaying the "Opening Archive" command (it's on a NAS drobo drive), with no progress being shown for hours. I don't want to interrupt the process unless I'm sure QRecall isn't doing anything. Should I just kill the QRecallHelper process? Clicking the "Stop" button does absolutely nothing.


BTW the log file is not of any help, all it says is

Action 2019-12-19 20:12:19 ------- Repair UserBU
Action 2019-12-19 20:12:19 archive: /Volumes/Public/UserBU.quanta
Action 2019-12-20 05:43:02 Minutia Received cancel request

Author: James Bucanek
5 years ago
This sounds like it's really stuck.

If it's still running, please send a diagnostic report first. Open the QRecall app, choose Help > Send Report.... The diagnostic report will sample all running QRecall components which will help identify exactly where it's at.

Afterwards, go ahead and kill the process and try the repair again. If the second try gets stuck too you might have a stale file locking semaphore on the file server.

There's a description of file locking / access problems in the help (Help > QRecall Help > Guide > Trouble Shooting > Problems > Can't Open Archive).

TL;DR: Restart your system AND your file server and try again.

Please let us know what worked (or didn't).

Author: maxbraketorque
4 years ago
I've got an archive that won't open by a capture action. The log says:

Action 2020-04-09 10:17:35 ------- Capture to SP1000QR.quanta
Action 2020-04-09 10:17:35 archive: /Volumes/QRecallBackups/SP1000QR.quanta
Action 2020-04-09 10:17:35 Minutia Waiting for permission to open archive
Action 2020-04-09 10:17:35 Archive is locked
Action 2020-04-09 10:17:55 Archive in use

However, as far as I can tell, the archive is not locked or in use. I can open it in QR. There were one or two achives that I originally created as a "capture" event, and then subsequently converted into a routine backup by re-running the QR Capture Assistant using the automated capture strategy. Perhaps this is the source of the issue?

Author: James Bucanek
4 years ago
See QRecall Help > Guide > Troubleshooting > Problems > Can't Open Archive

... and let us know if that helps.

Author: maxbraketorque
4 years ago
James Bucanek wrote:See QRecall Help > Guide > Troubleshooting > Problems > Can't Open Archive

... and let us know if that helps.

None of the listed scenarios seem to fit. I ran lsof, and there were no instances of this archive be open by MacOS. I guess that doesn't rule out the server locking the file, but as I said, I was able to open the archive in QR. I guess I'll reboot the server as well as the mac after QR completes the backup of another archive.

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