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General » Very very long run time after purchasing a key

Author: maxbraketorque
4 years ago
It appears that when switching from a temp key to a purchased key, QRecall shuffles through the entire archive due to the change in ownership. This is taking a very long time, and in particular, for one of my archives, the estimated time to get through this conversion of ownership based on current progress appears to be 200 hours. It only took about 24 hours to make the original backup. Is there a way to trash the entire archive contents and then recapture it? I suppose that I can delete the archive, but it seems like there should be a simple way to just delete the contents.

Author: James Bucanek
4 years ago
That is correct. When you change identity keys, you are a new "owner" so all of your items will be captured for the first time.

Of course, since the archive you're using has already captured these items, most (if not all) of the data is duplicate. What's taking time is reading each block of every file, looking that up that block in the archive's database, and comparing it to make sure it's a duplicate. That's a lot of work.

If you're not concerned with the (short) history of changes you already have, then it won't hurt to simply wipe the archive and start over: choose File > New Archive and overwrite your existing archive with an empty one. Then restart the capture.

If you do want to keep your history, let the capture finish (or stop the one in progress). Open the archive, navigate to the root, choose both owners, and choose Archive > Combine Items.... This will change the owner of all of your previously captured items so they now belong to your new owner (identity). From there on out, it will be as if you had started with your permanent identity key from the beginning.

I hope that helps.

Author: Prey Lawn
4 years ago
From where can I purchase a key?

Author: James Bucanek
4 years ago
Prey Lawn wrote:From where can I purchase a key?

Identity keys are available on the QRecall website. See the "One Key" section to purchase a key.

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