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Problems and Bugs » Status window options are greyed out. What can I do to get it back?

Author: Steve Mayer
4 years ago
MacBook Pro on Catalina 10.15.7 using QRecall

I'm unable to access the Status window.

If I look at the QRecall Window menu item, 'Status' is greyed out. Likewise, if I click on the menubar icon, Status Window is greyed out there as well

I've sent a Diagnostics Report.


Author: James Bucanek
4 years ago

Thanks for sending a diagnostic report.

Your "Status Window" command is greyed out because you don't have any archive status files in your ~/Library/Preferences/QRecall/Status folder. These status files are (or should be) automatically updated by capture, compact, verify, and various repair actions.

But it's obvious you've been running capture actions, yet this folder is still empty. I (obviously) suspect a bug. I'm just not sure where, as this mechanism has been working for many years.

When a capture ends, it writes a summary of the archive's status to a small "status.plist" file inside the archive package and writes a copy inside QRecall's Preferences folder. So let's start by teasing out what, and what isn't, happening when it should.

Let me first ask you locate a recently captured archive in the Finder, right/control-click on it, and choose the "Show Package Contents" command. Inside the package see if you have a "status.plist" and let me know what the last modified date and time are.

Secondly, run a verify on any of your archives. Afterwards, see if the status window becomes enabled.

Finally, send another diagnostic report after you've done those things. That should give me enough information to figure out what the problem is.


Author: Steve Mayer
4 years ago
Update. After performing a repair on the archive, the status window is now available.

Author: Steve Mayer
4 years ago
James, after running a Repair on the archive (I'd done this prior to receiving your response), there is a status.plist file in the archive package and the Status window is now available.

I've sent a follow diagnostic per your request.

Thanks as always!

Author: James Bucanek
4 years ago
My suspicion is that actions running as the user are updating the status just fine. But the capture action?that runs as root?is not.

I'll dig into this and see what the problem is. I'll post again here when there's a fix.

Author: James Bucanek
4 years ago
The fix for this problem is in QRecall version 2.2.12.

Available at a "Check for updates..." menu near you.

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