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General » Is there a way to just archive to folders inside an existing archive?

Author: Chris Caouette
4 years ago
I'll explain what I am trying to do. I haven't used QRecall in some time (I always felt I was having issues with bad archives).
Well, I'm wanting to go back to this method.

Part 1: What I am wondering is I'd love to have an Archive called "Archived Projects" but those projects can come from different drives. Rather than place them onto another drive first I'd prefer, if possible, to place them into a QRecall archive under a single folder.

Part 2: I have been keeping duplicate backups (backup of a backup). If I use Carbon Copy Cloner to keep copies of QRecall archives in another location, when the QRecall archive changes, will it just be an entirely one large new file that gets copied, or would CCC potentially only see the changes? Not sure you could make an Archive of an Archive. The example here is I have an archive called "Projects" on a networked drive. If I want to make an overnight update of that on another drive is it going to copy the entire file or just parts?


Author: James Bucanek
4 years ago
Chris Caouette wrote:Part 1: What I am wondering is I'd love to have an Archive called "Archived Projects" but those projects can come from different drives. Rather than place them onto another drive first I'd prefer, if possible, to place them into a QRecall archive under a single folder.

QRecall can capture any arbitrary set of items (files, folder, entire volumes) in a single capture action. The files and folders don't need to be on the same volume.

You can also just do them manually if you don't need to automatically capture changes. When you're ready to archive a project, just drag it into the archive's browser window. Or use the Services extension right in the finder: Control/Right+click Services > Capture to QRecall Archive.

If you want them to be neatly organized in a single folder of the archive, that will take a little fiddling because the archive is organized around where the original item actually was. But you could create a folder just for archiving projects, and when you ready to archive one just put a copy in there and capture it. Once captured, you can discard that copy of the project.

Part 2: I have been keeping duplicate backups (backup of a backup). If I use Carbon Copy Cloner to keep copies of QRecall archives in another location, when the QRecall archive changes, will it just be an entirely one large new file that gets copied, or would CCC potentially only see the changes? Not sure you could make an Archive of an Archive. The example here is I have an archive called "Projects" on a networked drive. If I want to make an overnight update of that on another drive is it going to copy the entire file or just parts?

It will copy the entire archive (or at least most of it).

QRecall 3.0 is adding intelligent and efficient archives of archives, which avoids those problem and is specifically designed to play nice with file synchronization. Look for a beta next month.

Author: Chris Caouette
4 years ago
Awesome thank you for the reply. I will work on building a working backup designed around QRecall now instead of CCC.

Author: Chris Caouette
4 years ago
Thanks for the reply and looking forward to the beta version!

I did just submit another post in the problems section, but it seems a different issue than what I wrote. There is a folder on a Time Capsule disk I want to archive. The automation doesn't actually capture anything (the file path is correct) just completes immediately. If I capture from the "capture" button in the archive window it prompts me to choose what to capture and proceeds from there.

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