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Problems and Bugs » QRecall complains aftre removing an archive

Author: Pierre Jenard
2 years ago
I removed (deleted) an archive (named VM1quantas) on my external NAS
I removed all actions on this archive
But Qrecall, in its log file, continuously complains about :

Monitor 2022-02-13 15:06:50 Minutia Capture history for archive VM1quanta.alias appears to have been deleted

I rebooted my machine but still getting same messages
How can I get rid of this ?

Author: James Bucanek
2 years ago

Sorry for the inconvenience.

This message occurs when a capture updates the list of recently captured archives, but finds a broken link to an archive that's been deleted or moved. It should only happen once.

Start by sending a diagnostic report (in the QRecall app, choose Help > Send Report). There might be some clue as to why the link to your old archive isn't getting automatically removed.

To stop this message, open your (home folder)/Library/Preferences/QRecall/Recent Captures folder. Select of the files in that folder and trash them. New links will be automatically recreated the next time each archive is captured.

These links are actually only used for the Reveal in Archive service, so unless you use that feature before the next capture you won't notice anything different.

Finally, you might also have archive status information too. In the QRecall app, choose Window > Status. Right click on the obsolete archive and choose "Forget". Alternatively, you can just wait; obsolete status information is discarded automatically after 7 weeks of inactivity.

Author: James Bucanek
2 years ago

Thanks for the diagnostic report. There's defiantly a bug here, as the log reports that there are aliases to old archives and QRecall is deleting them ... but they never get deleted. I'll add this to the bug list.

Did manually deleting the alias files in ~/Library/Preferences/QRecall/Recent Captures folder solve your problem?

Author: Pierre Jenard
2 years ago
Yes, deleting the .alias files solved the problem


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