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Suggestions and Feedback » Names of capture Actions

Author: Kenneth Roe
1 decade ago
1. Is it possible to give users the ability to rename Capture Actions? I?m setting up some Capture Actions that grab more than one folder, but the QR-generated names of the Capture Actions are rather meaningless?things like ?Capture 2 items?? or ?Capture 3 items?? etc. If I could give those Actions my own less-generic names, it would be less confusing for others?and for myself.

2. May I also second Norbert Karl's suggestion (May 2013) about allowing more flexibility in the delays imposed before a QR Action starts that is keyed to archive-volume connect? User-defined times of up to 30 minutes would be great (or additional built-in options up to about that length), and in my case would allow true automation of things that I now have to baby-sit every day to avoid conflicts and slowdowns. I can provide more details on why this is important to me, but it sounds like you've already got this idea in the works, so I'll not burden you with further explanation unless you request it.

QRecall is a wonderful tool. Thanks for making it available?and for your work in supporting us out here.

Author: James Bucanek
1 decade ago
Kenneth Roe wrote:1. Is it possible to give users the ability to rename Capture Actions?

Short answer, yes. This has been on the to-do list for quite some time, it?s urgency has just never risen near enough to the top to actually get implemented. I?ll give it a nudge upwrards.

2. May I also second Norbert Karl's suggestion (May 2013) about allowing more flexibility in the delays imposed before a QR Action starts that is keyed to archive-volume connect?

This has already been added to QRecall version 2.0, along with new action events. In 2.0 you will be able to delay the start of any event action from between 1 and 999 minutes.

QRecall is a wonderful tool. Thanks for making it available?and for your work in supporting us out here.

You?re most welcome.

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