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Beta Version » New identity key purchases

Author: Erik Mueller-Harder
9 years ago
Hello, James ?

I?m assuming that identity keys purchased today (as an upgrade to a beta identity key, for example) will be fully valid when 2.0 is released, but I?m not seeing anything that explicitly says so.

I?d like to make a purchase, but I wonder whether I should wait for 2.0 to be released.


? Erik

Author: James Bucanek
9 years ago
QRecall 2.0 will be a free upgrade for everyone.

All permanent identities keys will work with QRecall 2.0. So it doesn't matter if you buy a key now, or after 2.0 is released.

There are no plans to charge existing key holders for upgrades in the foreseeable future.

In the interest of full disclosure, there may be future features which require an additional identity key to take advantage of those features. But that would only apply to those new features, in the future...

Author: Erik Mueller-Harder
9 years ago
Perfect! And I now have my new permanent key.

Many thanks!!

Author: Steven Haver
4 years ago
I intend to be a new user very shortly and just wondering if there's any reason why I should wait for a version 3 release? I presume not. But since this was the thread I found when I was searching for an answer, it seemed more relevant to ask the question here than create a new thread.

It's been 4 years since this post and it seems that version 3 is looming sometime in the future. So I was just wondering if there has been any update to your licensing model? Will an identity key for version 2 work when version 3 comes out? From what I've read, it seems version 3 will be a pretty overhauled version, but you've also said in other threads that people would have plenty of notice if your licensing plans were going to change. So just curious. Thank you!

[Completely off topic: On the list of feature page on the website ( it only mentions working through Mojave, although it's clear from the home page that version 2.2 works with Catalina and APFS. So just sharing that from the perspective of a new customer looking at the website for the first time. ]

Author: James Bucanek
4 years ago

With any luck, version 3 should be out by this summer. There will be plenty of notice because we usually run several months of beta testing, which you're welcome to participate in, before making a final release.

There are no plans to change the licensing for version 3. It will be a free upgrade for all version 2 users.

A new website is also in development, which is why we've been lazy about updating the current one.

I hope that answers your questions!

Author: Steven Haver
4 years ago
Great, thank you very much!

And I now have my new permanent key.

Author: Steven Haver
4 years ago
James Bucanek wrote:With any luck, version 3 should be out by this summer.

We haven't had too much luck as a planet this year, but I was just wondering if there has been any progress on the new version? Totally understand if there hasn't, but since I hadn't seen anything in the forums I was just curious.


Author: James Bucanek
4 years ago
Yes, this year has not been great.

However, we've made a tremendous amount of progress on QRecall 3.0. The main thing slowing it down has just been the massive number of new features and changes.

So far, we've got completely re-engineered archive file management to take advantage of APFS features. Record optimization and new multi-threaded record processing for faster database access. And we're updating the code base to get ready for ARM (Apple Silicon) computers.

We've added support for capturing APFS volumes, including the ability to capture and restore sparse files.

But the huge new feature, and the one taking all of the time, is Stacks.

A stack is a remote, incremental, copy of your archive, organized into "slices." Essentially a backup of your backup. But unlike the archive, which is an interactive database, a stack is written in serial, compact, slices suitable for efficient cloud storage. We have basic document stacks working now, and would like to have at least one cloud service ready for the beta. Ultimately, we will offer several different cloud services (Amazon S3, Dropbox, SFTP, ...) to choose from.

Still working on the code that allows you to recover/repair an archive from a stack, but most of the stack functionality is already up and running, and we're using it in-house.

So the year hasn't been a total loss

Author: Steven Haver
4 years ago
Sounds amazing! Thanks for the update.

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