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Problems and Bugs » QRecall & VMware Fusion snapshots

Author: Alexandre Takacs
8 years ago
Not sure exactly of the extent of the issue but both products (QRecall & VMware Fusion using snapshots) don't seem to be friendly to each other. Capturing a VM with active snapshots just hangs my system (10.10 + Fusion 8.1). A simple exclusion takes care of this but just wanted to mention it.

Author: James Bucanek
8 years ago
I've never heard of anyone complaining that QRecall and VMware don't play nicely—and I have quite a few VMware users.

First, make sure you're using QRecall 2.0 (currently in beta, but close to a final release). If your still running into problems, send a diagnostic report.

Author: Alexandre Takacs
8 years ago
Running latest versions of OSX, QRecall and VmWare Fusion.

I am still seeing some issues with backing up running VMs.

  • If said VMs have active snapshots, the backup time increases hugely, with the machine crawling to the verge of being completely unusable

  • I also see that QRecall spends an inordinate amount of time trying to backup vmware lck files (I guess I should exclude them, but not sure how to proceeded with files within a package)


  • Any suggestion most welcome

    Author: James Bucanek
    8 years ago
    If your snapshot files (which tend to be large) are slowing things down a lot, you might want to check your shifted-quanta capture setting (Archive > Settings...). Shifted-quanta detection will not be beneficial for either disk image or memory images files. So for VMWare, it should be set to its lowest setting or just turned off.

    If that doesn't help, there are additional things to try.

    It's also unlikely that QRecall is spending a lot if time capturing .lck files. These tend to be very small semaphore files. It's more likely that a .lck file was just the last thing it captured while looking for the next thing to capture.

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