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General » saving whole list of actions

Author: Mike M
5 years ago
I'd like to try a new capture strategy. Right now I have a set of about 30 actions, 15 per swapable backup drive (and they have 3 archives each, or 5 actions per archive).

I want to try a whole different way of doing this. But I don't want to erase the current actions permanently. How can I save or backup the 30 actions as a complete set?

By the way, the reason I want to change my strategy is that I want to power down my computer at night. Previously I was letting it run a lot of the actions at night. I also have learned through real use cases that I don't need my archives backed up as frequently. And finally, I've learned that I need it *not* to skip actions when the archive drive is not mounted, but to act on them as soon as the drive is connected, so I need to change that setting back to the default.

I just don't want to lose the enormous work that it took to create those 30 original actions.


Author: James Bucanek
5 years ago
Greetings Mike,

Each action is stored as a document in the ~/Library/Preferences/QRecall/Actions folder. Each document has a name that should make it clear what that action does.

You can move those documents, en mass, somewhere else and they will cease to be actions in QRecall. (When I'm doing testing I just move them all to a folder named Actions (disabled).)

QRecall does not expect the documents in this folder to suddenly appear or disappear, so you'll need to let QRecall know that the contents of the Actions folder has changed. Creating a new action or deleting an existing action is usually sufficient. Alternatively you can quit both the QRecall application and the QRecallScheduler process (you can do that in Activity Monitor). If that's too much hassle, a system restart will get it done.

Let us know if you have any other questions!

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