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QRecall 1.1 beta now available RSS feed
Forum Index » Beta Version
Author Message
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Welcome intrepid beta testers,

The beta version of QRecall 1.1 is now available for download and testing.

Please review the release notes before installing version 1.1 (there are some features that will make your archives incompatible with QRecall version 1.0).

If you already have a permanent identity key, you may continue using it with the beta. If you have not purchased a key, or need an additional key, you may create an account and request a free beta identity key. A beta identity key will only work with this specific version of QRecall and will expire at the end of the beta test period.

As always, Dawn to Dusk Software welcomes your feedback, bug reports, and suggestions.

- QRecall Development -
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