James, I'm seeing what I *think* is an unusual delay when capturing. This started with the release version of QRecall, but at the moment, I'm trying the 1.1.0(6) beta, and I'm still seeing it -- at least on the first capture. This is starting with a new empty archive, and I did a verify disk and repair permissions on the source disk before I started. I opted for the first test to capture my home folder, which is about 8.5 GB in size. I used the capture assistant to do an immediate capture (i.e. I haven't created any actions yet). At the moment, the capture window is open, the dropdown panel at the top says "Capture bgiles to MacBook Pro Archive.quanta", the progress bar is in barber pole mode, and it says "Capturing" below that. The problem? It's been doing that for 20 minutes now. It hasn't captured the first file yet. Yes, I'm pretty sure. The capture file is 32.1 MB in size, and the modification date/time is about 20 minutes ago, when the archive was created. I really don't have much stuff in the home folder on this machine. A couple of ripped DVDs accounts for a significant portion of the 8.5 GB. I usually back up this computer weekly, and I noticed a similar problem this morning, when it was still running the previous release version of QRecall. When it happened this morning, I was busy doing other things, so I'm not sure how long it took before it finally started actually capturing files, but it was at least an hour. Eventually, the capture did complete. I was hoping the beta might fix this, but apparently not. Any idea what the problem is? I'm running Leopard 10.5.3, with all the latest updates. security patches, etc. (It's now been 27 minutes, and nothing has changed. I'll let you know if it eventually proceeds.) -- Bruce