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Temporarily Disable QRecall and it's schedulers short of uninstalling it RSS feed
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Jeffrey Kane

Joined: May 24, 2019
Messages: 8
I've be trying to use launchctl commands to try stop QRecall from respawning all its processes to no avail. As fast as I kill the process, it starts it back up. I need to unmount a volume that the program keeps accessing. Killing the processes (ps aux | grep -I qrecall, then kill PID...) after trying halt the launcthd using

launchctl dumpstate | grep -i qrecall

which the the running daemons and agents

com.qrecall.monitor = {
path = /Users/zzzz/Library/LaunchAgents/com.qrecall.monitor.plist
program = /Applications/QRecall.app/Contents/Resources/QRecall Monitor.app/Contents/MacOS/QRecall Monitor
XPC_SERVICE_NAME => com.qrecall.monitor
com.qrecall.scheduler = {
path = /Users/xxxx/Library/LaunchAgents/com.qrecall.scheduler.plist
program = /Users/xxxx/Library/Application Support/QRecall/QRecallScheduler
XPC_SERVICE_NAME => com.qrecall.scheduler
creator = QRecallKickStar.304
1257 2 com.qrecall.scheduler
com.qrecall.scheduler = {
path = /Volumes/xxxx/Users/yyyyy/Library/LaunchAgents/com.qrecall.scheduler.plist
program = /Library/Application Support/QRecall/504/QRecallScheduler
XPC_SERVICE_NAME => com.qrecall.scheduler

and then using

sudo launchctl unload -F /Volumes/xxxx/Users/yyyyy/Library/LaunchAgents/com.qrecall.scheduler.plist
sudo launchctl unload -F /Users/zzzz/Library/LaunchAgents/com.qrecall.monitor.plist
sudo launchctl unload -F /Users/zzzz/Library/LaunchAgents/com.qrecall.monitor.plist

but it doesn't work. QRecall just starts up again!

Any ideas how to temporarily stop the program and all it's processes????????
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
First, let's back up a step. Please describe the file(s) that QRecall is keeping open that are preventing your volume from unmounting.

None of the QRecall background components should be keeping any open files on external volumes, except the binary executable files themselves ... and those shouldn't be on volumes that would ever be unmounted while the system was running. The scheduler and monitor will occasionally check the reachability and status of archives and it may watch for changes in certain directories, but neither of these should prevent a volume from unmounting.

I also noted that the path /Volumes/xxxx/Users/yyyyy/Library/LaunchAgents/com.qrecall.scheduler.plist might indicate that your home folder is not on the startup volume, which could complicate your installation.

Finally, launchctl unload is a legacy command that's no longer supported; I'm not even sure it would work. Even if it does your command is targeting the wrong session type.

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