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Suggestions and Feedback » Hold schedules (global option)

Author: Christian Roth
1 decade ago

is there a way to (globally, at least on one machine) put any scheduled operations on-hold? My use case is that I sometimes want to do a lengthy video-transfer from DV to the disk and do not want QRecall to start a backup during this time to make sure no frames are dropped. (QRecall sometimes locks out any disk access during its capture initialization phase for sometimes up to a minute on my machine, probably to capture the current state (FileSystem Events???) before actually starting the backup.)

I know I can disable any actions in the actions list, but I have already a list of actions some of which are disabled, some of which are not. If I now disable all actions, I need to remember which originally were already disabled so that I do not enable them again mistakenly after my video capture.

What I would like to see is a global checkbox (either in QRecall, as a QRecall pref pane of in the actions list window) that simply disables start of any scheduled actions as long as that checkbox is on. Once I turn it off, schedules should resume normal operation.

Is there already an easy way of doing this?


Author: James Bucanek
1 decade ago
Christian Roth wrote:is there a way to (globally, at least on one machine) put any scheduled operations on-hold?

Not at this time, but it's on the to-do list for 1.2.

Author: Damian Huxtable
1 decade ago
I am running 1.2.0(65) beta ( and often use the "hold all schedules" function from the task bar icon. Is it possible to add the "until" option as in the actions menu option, so I don't have to open Qrecall for this?



Author: James Bucanek
1 decade ago
Damian Huxtable wrote:Is it possible to add the "until" option as in the actions menu option, so I don't have to open Qrecall for this?

It's possible, it just wasn't practical for this release.

The "until" option requires a bunch of extra code that the monitor process isn't linked to. I have plans to address this, because there are some other commands I'd also like to monitor process to be able to perform (but can't because of this code sharing issue).

I've added this as a to-do item for 1.3.

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