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Suggestions and Feedback » Finding files deleted between two captures

Author: Pierpaolo Remelli
1 decade ago
Consider the following scenario:
I deleted a file between "capture #6" (that originates Layer #6) and "capture #7".
In the file browser pane I can easily verify that operation making use of timelines (with deleted files visible): timeline of the file in object stops in correspondence of Layer 6.
I also would like to be able to find all the files deleted between two captures (in the example, capture 6 and 7).

When I restrict the view to a single layer, I would like to see ALL changes occurred between that Layer capture and the capture before (in the example, shading all layers except Layer 7 I could see all changes between capture 6 and capture 7).
Qr's already working this way for modified files but not for deleted files.

I know that, "technically" speaking, that's a non sense: if the file is deleted before capture 7, Layer 7 (and above) will know nothing about that file.
QR, analyzing a single Layer, should also taking into consideration the previous layer ONLY to show the deleted file.

Maybe there's a better solution (in this case I'm sure James will be able to find it ).

P.S. I was one of the guys suffering from "extended attributes issue" (I'm using Skim) and release 1.2.0(64) completely solved the problems. Great work!


Author: James Bucanek
1 decade ago

There's no display mode in QRecall that will give you exactly what you're asking for.

The closest I can suggest is to set the bottom shader so the last layer (7) you are interested in is visible. Then set the view options to "Show Deleted Items" and "Show Timelines." Then look at the timelines for each item. Timelines of deleted items that end in the pervious layer (6) were just deleted. Timelines that include a tick in layer 7 were recaptured in that layer.

pirem71 wrote:P.S. I was one of the guys suffering from "extended attributes issue" (I'm using Skim) and release 1.2.0(64) completely solved the problems. Great work!

That's great news.

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