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Suggestions and Feedback » Recalling history a single file

Author: Pierpaolo Remelli
1 decade ago
QRecall is already managing the restoration of a whole archive in the best and easy way (with layer shading) but when it comes to recalling a single file I would like a slightly different approach.

It would be nice if I can select a file in the file browser pane and then launch the command "Recall all versions". The command will create a folder containing all captured versions of that file (identified appending capturing date).

This approach will spare the pain to go through timeline and perform numerous recall actions since, when I'm recalling an old version of a file, I usually don't know in advance which is the version I'm looking for.

It can work for multiple files as well (creating a parent folder containing one sub-folder for each file).


Author: James Bucanek
1 decade ago
pirem71 wrote:It would be nice if I can select a file in the file browser pane and then launch the command "Recall all versions". The command will create a folder containing all captured versions of that file (identified appending capturing date).

That feature (or some varient thereof) has been requested before. There is a solution in the works. With any luck, it will make it into 1.3.

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