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James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
First, the bad news: QRecall 1.2 is not compatible with El Capitan.

The good news is that QRecall 2.0 is compatible and it has a ton of new and powerful features. The less than good news is that QRecall 2.0 hasn't been released yet.

But don't worry, QRecall 2.0 is just around the corner and you can get the beta version today. The beta version is now very stable and is nearing a final release?what's left is mostly cleanup and documentation. If you've already updated to El Capitan, you should really download the beta version and start using it.

Here's the short course on moving to QRecall 2.0:

  • Download the latest beta.

  • QRecall will first update your actions. It's best to have all of your archives on-line and reachable before installing.

  • Hold your scheduled actions and wait for any running actions to finish.

  • Open the downloaded disk image and run the Install QRecall application.

  • Excluded items are now a setting in the archive, not the capture action. The excluded and ignored items you have set in your capture actions will be transferred to your archive settings. (This is why the archive needs to be accessible.)

  • Archives created or modified with QRecall 2.0 are not compatible with QRecall 1.2. Once you have modified an archive with 2.0, QRecall 1.x will not be able to use it. (That's why you want to suspend your scheduled actions, as you might want to modify or disable some actions?possibly duplicating some archives?before you let QRecall 2.0 actions start running.)

  • You can browse, recall from, and verify a 1.2 archive using QRecall 2.0 without affecting its compatibility.

  • Review the release notes for QRecall 2.0. Detailed notes about upgrading, and most of the major new features, are explained in the release notes for 2.0.0b6.

  • Keep an eye out for the final release of QRecall 2.0, and please send diagnostic reports (Help > Send Report) with any problems you encounter.

    Thanks for supporting QRecall!

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