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QRecall and Leopard RSS feed
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James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
QRecall version 1.0.0(47) is not compatible with Leopard.

Last minute improvements in Leopard's security model significantly impact QRecall's ability to schedule actions and access privileged file system information. We currently believe that all of these issues can be resolved. But due to the complexity of the changes it is unlikely that these issues will be addressed before Friday's release of Leopard.

Since beta testers tend to be early adopters, I'm sure that more than a few users of QRecall will be updating to Leopard next week. We recommend that you first uninstall QRecall (Option+Shift+Command+Q) before upgrading to Leopard.

Watch this thread (click link below) to be notified when a Leopard ready version of QRecall is available.

- QRecall Development -
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Pessimists are never disappointed, and often pleasantly surprised.

Today we're pleasantly surprised.

QRecall version 1.0.0(48) is Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5) ready. I was seriously concerned that some portions of QRecall would require major changes in order to get it to work under Leopard. As it turns out, a couple of elegant and straightforward solutions were found.

Choose QRecall > Check for updates... to get the latest version.

The details of the changes can't be discussed until Leopard is officially released.

Caveat: While we've encountered no significant issues with QRecall running under Leopard, testing has been extremely limited and confined to the last Leopard seed released to developers. It has not yet been tested on the final release of Leopard. I'd like to remind everyone that QRecall is still beta software (even more so under Leopard); Please use it cautiously and report any problems you encounter.

- QRecall Development -
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