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Open backup of opened files normally encrypted using FileVault RSS feed
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David Sanford

Joined: Jul 15, 2008
Messages: 1
A question before I purchase QRecall: I have my home folder encrypted using FileVault. Can I use QRecall to make a non-encrypted backup of files from my home folder when that folder is open (i.e., accessible)? E.g., I have a non-encrypted copy of my iPhoto Library on an external drive. Can I backup additions to my iPhoto Library to the same external drive, when my Home Folder is fully available? Frankly, I wish I hadn't encrypted my home folder with FileVault. I don't have enough space to un-encrypt it and want to be able to do periodic incremental backups to the external drive. Thanks much for your help.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Can I use QRecall to make a non-encrypted backup of files from my home folder when that folder is open (i.e., accessible)?
In principle, the answer is yes. I'd suggest configuring the QRecall scheduler to NOT start or run actions while logged out. If you are just capturing your own documents, you probably don't even need to authenticate it to run with administrative privileges.

However, I strongly suggest that your download QRecall and try it with a trail identity key first. I have not tested QRecall recently with File Vault and Apple has made a large number of security changes that impact what applications are allowed to do under File Vault. So try it out first and make sure it works on your system.

I have a long standing to-do item entitled "Make QRecall File Vault Friendly" which has been around for some time. I've been putting this off until I add archive encryption to QRecall, which would make it much more appropriate for using in conjunction with File Vault users.

Frankly, I wish I hadn't encrypted my home folder with FileVault. I don't have enough space to un-encrypt it
If you have the external disk space, you could probably copy or capture enough to your external drive to un-encrypt your home folder and then restore the documents.

- QRecall Development -
Rene Rasmussen

Joined: Jul 19, 2008
Messages: 6
Are there any updates with respect to "Make QRecall File Vault Friendly"? Ideally I'd like to setup QRecall to start only while I'm logged in and after I mount a drive - so in this case my home directory is accessible.

(I'm quite happy with what I've seen so far when testing QRecall at home, and am thinking about using it for my office as well - but here I am using File Vault).
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Rene Rasmussen wrote:Are there any updates with respect to "Make QRecall File Vault Friendly"
Not at the moment.

There are actually several issues related to this problem that have come up over the past month. Some are specific to FileVault and some aren't.

I was putting off addressing these limitations until support for encrypted archives was added (the theory being that anyone who's using FileVault wouldn't want their files copied to an un-encrypted archive). However, it's becoming evident that other users are dealing with related limitations that are unrelated to FileVault, so it might be prudent to address some of these issues sooner.

Just be aware that there are lots of other features in the development queue, so it could still be some time before this gets addressed.

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