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Missing names in index RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Charles Watts-Jones

Joined: Oct 14, 2007
Messages: 57
Location: France
Around 11 July Verify started to report 'Missing names in index'. I'm not sure which beta I was using then, I'm now using 1.1 beta 15. Anyway I took little notice as I was busy and the warning was not marked as serious. Today I have reindexed my archive. I followed this with a Verify. This still reports 'Missing names in index'. Previously opening that notice yielded a list of files, now it gives a list containing only several instances of 'Folder: (null)'. Should I run a Repair? Or may I safely ignore them?

-- Charles
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
If you've reindexed your archive there shouldn't be any missing names in the index. There's a recently discovered bug that could result in empty (null) names appearing in the index, but I'll have to go back and find out if that bug was in the latest public beta.

The effect of missing names is harmless, but thanks for the heads up. If you have a chance, please send a diagnostics report (Help > Send Report...) or e-mail the relevant log files.

- QRecall Development -
Charles Watts-Jones

Joined: Oct 14, 2007
Messages: 57
Location: France
James Bucanek wrote: If you have a chance, please send a diagnostics report (Help > Send Report...) or e-mail the relevant log files.

Report on its way.

-- Charles
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