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Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Julie Myers

Joined: Aug 22, 2008
Messages: 1

Just a note... when deleting QRecall with App Zapper, com.apple.QRecall.monitor remains... and hangs up Time Machine... impossible to find this resource, so had to clean install

iMac 24" Leopard 5.4 UltraMax 500 external 44/firewire
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
The preferred method of removing QRecall is to hold down the Option+Shift keys and choose the QRecall > Quit and Uninstall command.

Alternatively, you can follow the manual uninstall procedure documented in the Help. This will eradicate every trace of QRecall from your system.

I don't know how AppZapper works, but I'm sure it has no way of knowing how to correctly uninstall QRecall.

The QRecall monitor runs as a user agent (in Leopard). All that's need to remove is to trash the com.qrecall.monitor.plist file in ~/Library/LaunchAgents. It's presence will most certainly have no impact on Time Machine.

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