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Gabriele Caniglia


Joined: Jun 9, 2009
Messages: 2
I am giving qrecall a test drive, and a couple of how-do-I's raised so far.
Forgive me if I missed any answers in the forums, I have searched to no avail.

- how do I exclude files from capture whose name is/contains/starts_with 'something'?
Say I want to exclude ".DS_Store" files or "Thumbs.db"?

- how do I add invisibile files and folders to the filters list? I have workarounded this by opening a Disk Broswer window in BBEdit, then dragging and dropping the invisible items onto the filters section. Is there a better way to accomplish this?

- how can I schedule multiple captures at specific times of the day? Say I want to capture at 9:30am and 4pm from Mon to Fri. I can only see an "Interval" option or a "Daily" option...

Thanks in advance for now,
Christian Roth

Joined: Jul 12, 2008
Messages: 26
I can only answer your last question:

You can set up two separate actions on the same archive. The first action backs up Mon to Fri at 9:30am, and the second action backs up Mon to Fri 4pm. At least that's how I do it and i works great.

- Christian
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
Gabriele Caniglia wrote:- how do I exclude files from capture whose name is/contains/starts_with 'something'?
Say I want to exclude ".DS_Store" files or "Thumbs.db"?
Filtering items by name or other criteria is an oft requested feature that hasn't been added yet—but it's on the to-do list.

- how do I add invisibile files and folders to the filters list? I have workarounded this by opening a Disk Broswer window in BBEdit, then dragging and dropping the invisible items onto the filters section. Is there a better way to accomplish this?
That's an excellent solution. I'll add a request to see invisible files in the picker dialog to the wish list.

- how can I schedule multiple captures at specific times of the day? Say I want to capture at 9:30am and 4pm from Mon to Fri. I can only see an "Interval" option or a "Daily" option...
Christian Roth answered this one already. You can define as many actions as you want for a single archive, each with their own schedule and criteria. For example, I capture my development folder every 20 minutes, my home folder every 2 hours, and my entire startup drive once a day.

- QRecall Development -
Gabriele Caniglia


Joined: Jun 9, 2009
Messages: 2
Christian Roth answered this one already. You can define as many actions as you want for a single archive, each with their own schedule and criteria. For example, I capture my development folder every 20 minutes, my home folder every 2 hours, and my entire startup drive once a day.

In my case I have the same items to capture, the same filters, the same conditions, etc.
I would rather expect a "At specific time" option in the Schedule section along with a + sign to add multiple schedules...
That would be more intuitive, IMHO.

Just a suggestion, anyway!

Thanks for your kind support.
Christian Roth

Joined: Jul 12, 2008
Messages: 26
I can understand your motivation. Until that might be implemented, however, note that you can set up one Action to your desire, then use "Duplicate" to, well, duplicate it along with all filter and condition settings, then just change the schedule info in the duplicate.

Granted, those actions will not update in sync when you modify capture items or filters in one of them, but at least for initial setup it might help, specifically when you have many filter items.

- Christian
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