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Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Steven M. Alper

Joined: Mar 5, 2007
Messages: 56
I'm unable to do a Verify on some archives. It's reported that they need to be reindexed, however when I attempt to reindex the process sits in "Waiting for archive" endlessly. The log reports:

Invalid property list
     archive properties not updated
     Path: /Volumes/Mercury 1/QRec-G5.quanta
     File: settings.plist

Same thing when I try to Repair....

What now?


-- Steven M. Alper
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Steven M. Alper wrote:I'm unable to do a Verify on some archives. It's reported that they need to be reindexed, however when I attempt to reindex the process sits in "Waiting for archive" endlessly.

"Waiting for archive" means that some other process has the archive files open. QRecall won't attempt to update an archive that being written by another process at the same time.

What you need to do is:
(1) Make sure all processes have closed the archive files.
(2) Verify the archive.
(3) If the verify fails, then consider repair/reindex.

You can do (1) using a hammer or a scalpel. The hammer approach is to restart the computer the archive drive is connected to. The scalpel is to find out what processes have those files open and stop them. This might involve turning off file sharing, etc. The Terminal command
sudo lsof '/Volumes/Mercury 1/'

will tell you all of the processes that have any files open on that volume. Quit processes or applications until there are no files in /Volumes/Mercury 1/QRec-G5.quanta that are open. This should be done on the computer that's physically connected to the volume.

Once you've got all of the files closed, run a verify (2). The verify might be able to auto-repair the archive, something it couldn't do while the archive was open.

If the verify reports problems, repair the archive.

Invalid property list
     archive properties not updated
     Path: /Volumes/Mercury 1/QRec-G5.quanta
     File: settings.plist

Same thing when I try to Repair....

I suspect that error will go away when you stop the process that has the archive files open.

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