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QRecall can't handle archives on a AirPort-shared harddrive RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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tobias Kamber

Joined: May 8, 2007
Messages: 3
I made a large QRecall-archive on a USB-HardDrive.
Then i have shared the HardDrive with my AirPort.
Simple file-copy works. But if i try to open the archive-file
with QRecall, it crashes.
Here you can see the error:
A smaller QRecall-Archive (28MB) works.
Maybe a timeout-problem?

But else, QRecall works great!
Good job!
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Hello Tobias,

How large is "large"? Is the archive larger than 2GB? 4GB?

Try verifying the archive while it's being shared by the AirPort base station and see if that's successful. If it isn't, remove the USB drive and plug it directly into your computer and try the verify again.

- QRecall Development -
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
More Info:

Apparently, a number of people are reporting problems accessing large files (>2GB) on a shared USB drive via an Airport base station.


It appears that the highest rate of success is when the USB drive is formatted using HFS Extended and the computer is connected via AFP. So my suggestion would be to make sure your drive isn't formatted FAT32 and check to see that you are not connected to the base station using SAMBA or some other protocol.

Also make sure that you've applied the latest firmware upgrade.

If you can verify a 2GB archive when the drive is directly connected to your Macintosh, and that same archive fails to verify when connected to the base station, you'll need to complain to Apple.

- QRecall Development -
tobias Kamber

Joined: May 8, 2007
Messages: 3
Hi James

Thanks for this great support!
My harddrive is formatted as HFS Extendet and i connect to it with the standard Airporttool for the mac. I think it connects over AFP. Over Windows i can't connect to it so SNB seams to be disabled. The archive is large. About 80GB.
After my last post, it worked for a few Houres. For two a halfe, think. Then it crashed and now it crashs every time i try to open the archive.
The Firmware-Update is an idea. I check it and report the result here.
tobias Kamber

Joined: May 8, 2007
Messages: 3
The Firmware-Update of my AirPort has eliminated the problems. Now it works.
Thanks again for this great support!

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