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Steven M. Alper

Joined: Mar 5, 2007
Messages: 56

I was stumped by the fact that last night's captures had taken so long -- 8 hours for a capture that had taken 10 hours originally. Well, it turns out I had 2 simultaneous captures going on; bound to slow things down.

Especially for numskulls like me, would you consider adding a timeline view for schedules to aid in seeing when you've got things scheduled to avoid this kind of inadvertent simultaneity?



-- Steven M. Alper
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
Try this:

Open the actions windows in QRecall (Windows > Actions, or Command+1). Click on the Next column header. This will sort the actions table based their next scheduled execution time, essentially giving you a schedule of when actions will start.

That's typically the view I leave my Actions window in. Maybe I should make it the default.

- QRecall Development -
Steven M. Alper

Joined: Mar 5, 2007
Messages: 56
That kinda helps. I have been sorting 6 ways to Sunday, but things get blurry when you've got schedules with Tuesday & Thursday; Monday, Wednesday, Saturday; and Sunday & Friday.

Just an idea, but no biggie.


-- Steven M. Alper
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
One item on my to do list is to add a drawer to both action document windows and the main Actions window that would show a list of upcoming run times. The drawer in the action document would show the schedule just for that action, while the Actions window drawer would show a complete list of all upcoming run times.

- QRecall Development -
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