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Migration of archives to new machines RSS feed
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Nicholas Sloan

Joined: Jul 4, 2008
Messages: 18
Until recently I had a G5 with a second internal disk called Work, and an attached FW drive called Archive.
"Current work" on Work was captured to a QR quanta, "Current Work" on Archive.

On migration to a Mac Pro, I copied everything from the old "Work" onto a new internal disk called "Work", and at the same time copied all my QR archives onto a separate internal disk called "Archive".

My question is, could I have continued capturing to the new copy of the quanta with the same settings.; i.e. would QR have equated the new Work and Archive with the old Work and Archive?
And if not, could I have changed the settings to point QR in the same direction, but continued capturing to the same quanta in such a way that it would simply have continued recording changes?

The question is academic, because in fact I had some problems with the old archive (since resolved), and before I had the patience to resolve them and work it all out for myself, I had set up a new one, starting from scratch. But for future reference I thought it would be interesting to know the answers.

Also, would it in theory be possible to merge the old quanta with the new one?

Finally, how's progress with the faster, smarter, all-singing-and-dancing version 2?

Many thanks, Nick
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Nicholas Sloan wrote:My question is, could I have continued capturing to the new copy of the quanta with the same settings.; i.e. would QR have equated the new Work and Archive with the old Work and Archive?

Probably not. QRecall uses Mac OS aliases to keep track of an action's archive and capture folders. Aliases are good about recognizing when you move or rename an item, but copying something to a new volume will usually treat it as something completely unrelated to the original.

And if not, could I have changed the settings to point QR in the same direction, but continued capturing to the same quanta in such a way that it would simply have continued recording changes?

Yes. If you ever relocate or change an item (archive or capture item) in such a way that the action can't find it anymore, simply edit the action to restore the association: Open the action and re-choose the archive, or remove and re-add the capture item(s). The next time the action runs it will use the updated archive or capture item and pick up where it left off.

Where the archive is, or where you move it to, won't affect how QRecall works. Source items, however, that move to a new volume will cause QRecall to recapture all of the items ("Current work" in your case) in that folder. That's because they reside on a different volume than the original and QRecall will treat them as a completely separate set of files. The result will be a new volume in your archive with a fresh copy of every item in the folder.

But since all of the items in the new folder are copies of the old folder, QRecall will see that all of the file data is duplicated and won't add any new data to the archive. You'll simply have a new layer of duplicate items.

Also, would it in theory be possible to merge the old quanta with the new one?

That ability is on my short list of new features.

Finally, how's progress with the faster, smarter, all-singing-and-dancing version 2?

It's already faster and getting smarter. I'm finishing up an iPhone app this week and will be back on the all-singing-and-dancing part (i.e. new user interface) this week.

- QRecall Development -
Nicholas Sloan

Joined: Jul 4, 2008
Messages: 18
Wow, that was quick!
Thank you James, and happy coding.
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