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Greg Morin

Joined: Aug 18, 2010
Messages: 1
I have a question about this statement:

Multiple Volumes, Multiple Computers ยท A single archive can store items from multiple volumes and volumes from multiple systems.

Does this mean it is possible for two different computers to write to the same archive (say on a shared mount point on a server) simultaneously? If not, what would happen if User A tries to open the archive to write to it while User B is in the middle of an archiving process using that archive? Does User A just wait until it is ready or does User A get an error?


James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
Greg Morin wrote:Does this mean it is possible for two different computers to write to the same archive (say on a shared mount point on a server) simultaneously?

No. Only one action (capture, merge, compact, delete) can modify the contents of an archive at a time.

Any number of processes can read an archive simultaneously. So it's possible to browse, recall from, and verify an archive all at once.

If not, what would happen if User A tries to open the archive to write to it while User B is in the middle of an archiving process using that archive?

User A will automatically wait until user B is finished. If you're opening the archive to view its contents, QRecall will present a dialog that will politely wait until the archive is available, or until you decide to give up and close the window. Similarly, if have an archive window open and start a (local) action that wants to modify it, QRecall will automatically close the window so the action can proceed.

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