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Odd issue - a bunch of files disappeared RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Neil Lee

Joined: Nov 16, 2010
Messages: 9
I'll send a report related to this issue, but I thought I'd post here as well in case someone else has the same problem.

I backup to a Time Capsule and have two separate backup actions - one that does the entire boot volume (at 2am every day), and one that backs up my user folder (every hour).

All has worked fine until today, when I noticed that a number of folders and files were missing from my Sites folder. Going through the archive I managed to track down that the files disappeared between the user folder capture at 11:35pm and the full system capture at 2am on January 9th. I *definitely* did not delete those files, so I'm puzzled.

Besides the report I'm sending right after I post this, is there anything else I can do to track down what happened?
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568
Neil Lee wrote:Besides the report I'm sending right after I post this, is there anything else I can do to track down what happened?


The report you sent doesn't provide any illuminating information, beyond the obvious fact that QRecall successfully captured your files at 11:35PM and again at 2AM. There's nothing unusual about the number files that were captured, the amount of time the capture took, or any similar anomalies.

When anything weird happens like that on my system, I start by repairing the volume using Disk Utility or <insert your favorite disk repair program here>.

If the files were inadvertently moved or renamed, rewinding the archive to that 2AM layer and searching for those files might uncover where they went. (Unless they were moved to the trash and you don't capture your Trash.)

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