Hello! I have been very impressed with what I've learned about QRecall, and I intend to begin using it when I obtain a new iMac later this Spring. In particular, I have been impressed with QRecall's efforts to insure data integrity in its archive files. However, as a long-time user of Retrospect, I would really like QRecall to offer the option of verifying any data that the program had just backed up, as I feel this would solve a possible weakness in QRecall's data integrity. That is, if I understand QRecall's operation correctly, it is dependent upon making a single, error-free read of the source data, but I would feel much better if validation could be requested that would compare the contents of whatever had just been added to the archive against a second reading of the source. In this way, any troublesome weak sectors on the source data's disk would be forced to return the same data twice before the contents of the archive were declared to be an accurate representation of the original source data. However, any user who did not want to wait for this verification would simply tell QRecall to not perform this final step of each backup operation. Thanks for considering this request.