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Archive Compact Option... RSS feed
Forum Index » Beta Version
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Gary K. Griffey

Joined: Mar 21, 2009
Messages: 156

I am running the latest beta... 1.2(029) and am observing an innocuous, yet odd anomaly.

I created a new archive...changed its settings for maximum capture compression...however, after I perform the initial capture...the Compact option is available on the UI. Executing the Compact operation on this archive obviously yields no additional gains...

I know that on previous betas...if you captured at maximum compression...the Compact option was not available.

No big deal...I just thought you would like to know...


James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Gary K. Griffey wrote:I created a new archive...changed its settings for maximum capture compression...

Whenever the compact compression setting for an archive is increased (which will likely happen if you increased the capture compression setting), the archive gets marked as "compactable." That's because, until QRecall examines every record in the archive, it doesn't know what data could potentially be compressed. Once it's marked as "compactable," it stays that way until the compact action has had a chance to compress it.

In general, an archive gets marked as potentially needing a compact after

  • a merge

  • items are deleted

  • an increase in the compact compression setting

  • a reindex or repair

  • - QRecall Development -
    Gary K. Griffey

    Joined: Mar 21, 2009
    Messages: 156

    Thanks for the clarification...I would have sworn that in previous versions, if a new archive is created...and the setting is changed to the highest compression before any capture is performed...that after that initial capture completes the Compact option was already disabled..but I guess I am wrong on that one.

    Thanks, again...

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