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Recall/Restore entire folder? RSS feed
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Scott Elliott

Joined: Apr 27, 2011
Messages: 1
Excuse me for perhaps not completely understanding the capabilities of the app, but I'd like to confirm that QRecall will allow for the complete restoration of a particular folder and its structure of contained files and subfolders, including those that are invisible, that's being incrementally backed up, as opposed to just tracking the files within that folder and making a mirror of the current situation. The scenario I'm envisioning is that where a web programmer has a primary folder of web site data that is being used locally and being regularly backed up to a mounted shared AFP server volume. If the programmer accidentally deletes a file or makes some other kind of mistake, can s/he do the "step back in time" approach with qRecall and restore that entire folder to an hour ago or a couple of days prior? As opposed to trying to locate the (perhaps many) files that are missing/wrong and individually restoring them. Would Time Machine be a better solution? Why would I select QRecall over Time Machine?
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569

When you restore (or recall) a folder, QRecall reconstructs all items contained in that folder, including invisible files, to the state that they existed when that folder was captured.

If you've used the layer shades in the archive browser to hide more recent incremental captures (i.e. rewind time), the entire folder will be restored the point in time being viewed. In this respect, QRecall works just like Time Machine. You can rewind entire folders (even entire volumes) to any captured point in time.

You always have the option, of course, of picking through the folder and retrieving individual items. But anything you do with a folder (capture, recall, restore, delete, ...) always means that folder and every item and subfolder it contains.

Scott Elliott wrote:Would Time Machine be a better solution? Why would I select QRecall over Time Machine?

While conceptually similar, QRecall does a number of things that Time Machines doesn't. Principally, QRecall intelligently compares every block of data being capture to what's already in the archive, and never duplicates any data. This makes it vastly more efficient than Time Machine, which blindly copies every file it finds and makes an additional copy of each whenever it changes.

In addition, QRecall is scrupulous about data integrity. Every block of data, and every bit of file metadata, is protected by data checksums and cross-checks. QRecall fanatically examines every block of data for consistency and possible damage during every phase of operation. QRecall lets you verify that your captured data is correct, has not been corrupted or altered, and can be successfully restored. Time Machine, and similar file-copy backup solutions, can make no such claim.
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