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Very slow recovery over ethernet RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Neil Lee

Joined: Nov 16, 2010
Messages: 9
Hey there -

The short of it is I had a third party's software set up to do a scheduled backup of my user folder, and using a pre-release version of that software caused the last backup to went awry -- the entire Users folder was deleted.

Luckily I had been religiously backing up my Users folder using QRecall to the drive in my Time Capsule. I launched QRecall and started the restore process. I think there was around 100G of data.

Four hours later, it's barely 1/2 done. My primary machine is connected to the Time Capsule via ethernet, so I assume it's at least a 100MB connection. It could be gigabyte ethernet, too - I'm not sure if that's the default protocol between the Time Capsule and a 2010 MBP.

Is this expected? If so, it seems like an issue - I've restore appr. this amount of data backed up to the same Time Capsule via Time Machine in under 2 hours.

P.S. This is with the latest QRecall beta.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568
Neil Lee wrote: I launched QRecall and started the restore process. I think there was around 100G of data.

Four hours later, it's barely 1/2 done.

That's slower than I would expect.

That works out to a transfer rate of about 3.5MB/second.

My primary machine is connected to the Time Capsule via ethernet, so I assume it's at least a 100MB connection. It could be gigabyte ethernet, too

As a test, I connected a MacBook via 100Mb ethernet and performed a recall from an Xserve hosted AFP volume. As one would expect, the recall is transferring at about 7-8MB/second. After 1 hour, its recalled about 22GB of data.

I'm not sure if that's the default protocol between the Time Capsule and a 2010 MBP.

3.5MB/second sounds suspiciously like WiFi. That's about the rate you get with a solid 802.11g connection. Are you sure your MacBook Pro isn't connecting to the Time Capsule via WiFi? This has happened to me a number of times with my MacBook Pro (a loose ethernet cable that I never noticed because the laptop switches immediately to WiFi).

- QRecall Development -
Neil Lee

Joined: Nov 16, 2010
Messages: 9
I have airport turned off on my laptop, so that can't be it. I wonder if it's a Time Capsule bug / limitation. I just did some AJA speed tests on the drive, and the average write speed was 50+mb/s. Reading, however, was barely 10mb/s.

At any rate, after about 6 hours the restore operation finished (145G of data in total) and everything was exactly as it was. This is the first time I've tried restoring this much data and it's reassuring that QRecall did what it was supposed to.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568
Neil Lee wrote:I just did some AJA speed tests on the drive, and the average write speed was 50+mb/s. Reading, however, was barely 10mb/s.

That's very weird. I don't have any explanation why the Time Capsule would be transferring this slowly, or why the read speed is so much slower than the write speed.

You might try resetting the Time Capsule (via Airport Admin). If it's an external drive, you might also consider plugging it into your Mac to repair the volume, and possibly consider defragmenting it. All just shots in the dark, but sometimes they help.

At any rate, after about 6 hours the restore operation finished (145G of data in total) and everything was exactly as it was. This is the first time I've tried restoring this much data and it's reassuring that QRecall did what it was supposed to.

Well I'm glad it all worked, even if it wasn't as fast as it could have been.

- QRecall Development -
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