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Trialling QRecall - cannot find the Restore from Finder contextual menu item RSS feed
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Darrell Gouldthorpe

Joined: Sep 18, 2011
Messages: 2

I'm currently trialling QRecall v1.1.4.5 and I'm unable to find the Finder contextual menu item for restoring direct from the Finder.

The QRecall CM.plugin is there in my ~/Library/Contextual Menu Items folder, but when I right-click a recently backed up file there is no service listed for restoring it.

I'm running Lion 10.7.1 (11B26), and I have tried a Finder restart and Logging out and back in, but no luck.

EDIT to add - I've repaired disk permissions and rebooted, but still nothing.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569

Thank you for your interest in QRecall.

Contextual menu plug-ins are no longer supported by Mac OS X and are competely ignored in Lion.

QRecall 1.2—currently in beta—includes a QRecall service which performs the same actions as the old QRecall contextual menu. Services are accessed via the Services submenu of your application, and can be enabled or disabled in System Preferences.

To participate in the beta program visit the QRecall download page, and then download and install the latest beta version of QRecall. You can continue to use your trail key with the beta version or you can obtain a free beta identity key, which doesn't expire until the beta version expires.

- QRecall Development -
Steve Mayer

Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Messages: 70

I'm using 1.2.0(41) right now and I don't see any QRecall related service present. Is this something that will be coming in a future build?


James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
Steve Mayer wrote:I'm using 1.2.0(41) right now and I don't see any QRecall related service.

For some reason, you might have to enable it in System Preferences. I know the service is in 1.2.0(41) because I used it yesterday.

- QRecall Development -
Steve Mayer

Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Messages: 70

I've looked in the System Preferences and didn't see anything related to 'Restore'. What would be the name of the service?


Steve Mayer

Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Messages: 70

Okay, I found out that the service names are 'Reveal in Archive' and 'Capture to Archive'. These names aren't too intuitive when presented with a large list of services. (There are a lot of other services that are very vague as to what application they actually belong to. I think that developers need to address this issue as a whole).

Using the Reveal in Archive, i'm not taken directly to the file in question, but 'just into the archive'. I still have to hunt down the file in the archive.


James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
Steve Mayer wrote:Okay, I found out that the service names are 'Reveal in Archive' and 'Capture to Archive'. These names aren't too intuitive when presented with a large list of services.

These services have been renamed to Reveal in QRecall Archive and Capture to Recall Archive.

Using the Reveal in Archive, i'm not taken directly to the file in question, but 'just into the archive'. I still have to hunt down the file in the archive.


- QRecall Development -
Steve Mayer

Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Messages: 70
Great! Thanks James!

Any timeframe for an updated beta version?
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
Steve Mayer wrote:Any timeframe for an updated beta version?

The original plan was to have a release two weeks ago. Unfortunately, the power supply on my RAID tower (used for most of the heavy duty QRecall testing) had other plans.

The RAID tower is back from repairs, I've been putting QRecall through its paces, and I expect to push out the next release within a day or so. The delay has resulted in a particularly hefty release, with lots of new features and fixes.

- QRecall Development -
Steve Mayer

Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Messages: 70
Ugh... every cloud has a silver lining...?

Thanks for the update.

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