Charles Watts-Jones wrote:QRecallC (my archive): Green Blank Red
Captured today: Green Blank Blank
Verified never: Blank Blank Red
Disk use bar(?): Green with size data below
This means that the archive has recently been captured, hasn't been verified, and you've got a reasonable amount of free space.
Being of the generation that has difficulty with pictograms, I don't understand why the first line shows green and red,
The summary line is the accumulation of the three status values. It's Green (OK) and Red (critical) because there is at least one status indicator that's
OK and at least one that's
critical. The idea is that you can collapse the details for a compact display of all three.
nor do I understand why the verified line shows red when the log confirms my bi-weekly verify status as OK.
You'll need to perform a verify with 1.2.0(57). The new status system doesn't use the log, and thus doesn't know about any activity prior to upgrading to 1.2.0(57). As soon as your archive verifies again, the status will turn green.
And I really don't want to start my day with a RED icon when the log confirms all is OK. Could RED be reserved for serious trouble please?
It is. In this case, it's saying that your archive has never been verified, which I consider to be pretty serious. It also lights up if there was a error with any action, or if your archive has almost completely run out of free space.
In this particular case, it's an artifact of the upgrade. If the menu bar indicator bothers you, go to
QRecall > Preferences > Monitor and uncheck the
Show status warnings in icon option. Now the presence of
caution or
critical status indicators won't show up in the menubar.