I agree that QRecall needs to be a little more sophisticated about how it calculates the expected capture and verify intervals. Right now it's a weighed running average, but that obvious breaks down when archives are not captured at uniform intervals, or are not being captured at all.
I don't have a solution for an individual archive, but you can modify QRecall's archive status window behavior globally.
The warnings that a capture or verify have not occurred recently is based on a simple formula, the constants of which you can tweak using advanced settings. I'll describe how the capture formula works and how the adjust it. The verify logic is the same, it just uses a different set of constants.
(1) Every time an archive is (successfully) captured, the interval since the last capture is calculated. This updates the AverageInterval property for that archive.
(2) The AverageInterval is then compared with the global QRStatusMinimunCaptureInterval and the larger of the two values is chosen as the NominalInterval. The QRStatusMinimunCaptureInterval prevents rapid (i.e. hourly) captures from creating a ridiculously small nominal interval.
(3) The NominalInterval is multiplied by QRStatusCaptureWarningIntervals. If the time difference between now and the last time the archive was captured is greater than that product, the status window shows a "warning" (yellow) indicator for that archive.
(4) The NominalInterval is multiplied by QRStatusCaptureTruantIntervals. If the time difference between now and the last time the archive was captured is greater than that product, the status window shows a "problem" (red) indicator for that archive.
QRStatusMinimunCaptureInterval is expressed in seconds and defaults to 21600 (6 hours)
QRStatusCaptureWarningIntervals defaults to 3 (shows a warning when 3x the nominal interval has elapsed without a capture)
QRStatusCaptureTruantIntervals defaults to 7 (there's a problem when 7x the nominal interval has elapsed without a capture)For an archive that you capture once a day and rotate once a week, you could try setting the warning multiplier to 10 and the problem multiplier to 15, like this:
defaults write com.qrecall.monitor QRStatusCaptureWarningIntervals -float 10.0
defaults write com.qrecall.monitor QRStatusCaptureTruantIntervals -float 15.0
If you capture more often than that, consider setting the QRStatusMinimunCaptureInterval too.
I don't have a solution for an archive that is never captured, except to set the intervals to excessive values (like 1000) so they simply don't occur.
The verify logic works the same, except that is uses these settings:
QRStatusMinimunVerifyInterval is expressed in seconds and defaults to 86400 (1 day)
QRStatusVerifyWarningIntervals defaults to 8 (shows a warning when 8x the nominal interval has elapsed without a verify)
QRStatusVerifyTruantIntervals defaults to 16 (there's a problem when 16x the nominal interval has elapsed without a verify)