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bill steer

Joined: Oct 12, 2013
Messages: 3
How do I force a full backup (rather than incremental) on a particular file in archive ? It would be nice to keep previous copies in archive.

thanks, bill
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569

Every layer that contains your file represents a complete and separate copy of that file. Until you merge layers, you already have every "previous copy" of that file.

Use the bottom layer shader in the browser to rewind your archive. With the recent layers hidden, you'll see the earlier copies of your file. To retrieve an earlier version, use the recall/restore command or just drag and drop it where you want it.

I suggest looking at the Introduction section of the help (Help > QRecall Help > Guide > Introduction) and then follow the link to Understanding Layers.

Remember that QRecall does not copy files. It captures only unique data. So it's not possible to "force a full backup"; QRecall would see that all of that data has already been captured and would do nothing.

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