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display all files by size RSS feed
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bill steer

Joined: Oct 12, 2013
Messages: 3

How Can I display all files in an archive, without folders, sorted by size ?

I know I have Some really big files in archive I would like to delete, but I don't want to have to search for them....


James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
bill steer wrote:How Can I display all files in an archive, without folders, sorted by size ?


There's no broswing option that will flatten the filesystem hierarchy so you can see all of the files in a single list.

You can, however, sort the browser items by size (in descending order). If you're displaying all layers, each folder will report its aggregate size (the total size of all of the items captured in that folder). The largest folders will appear first. Open up the biggest folders to find the biggest files.

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