Did you, by chance, "test" the stack feature by recovering the stack to a new archive? If you did, you've run the risk of reassigning the archive identifier of the original archive, so the stack now belongs to the archive you recovered, not the original.
There's a long discussion about this in the help:
QRecall Help > Guide > Stacks > Recover an Archive > Archive Doppelgängers.
If you still have the recovered archive, use the steps in the "Archive Doppelgängers" sidebar to exchange the identifiers. If you don't, you can recover the stack again (just the empty archive, don't transfer any slices back), swap the identifier, and then discard the temporary archive.
But you can only do this if you haven't performed any slice transfers from the recovered archive to the stack. In other words, you didn't recover an archive from the stack, perform some captures, upload those slices, and then say "Hey, that seems to work, I'm going back to the old archive now."
If you did do the latter, or anything similar, then the safe solution is to delete your archive and recover the entire archive from the stack.
And send a diagnostic report (Help > Send Report) just so we can review your log to make sure something else isn't going on.