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Documentation? RSS feed
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Aubrey Grey

Joined: Feb 4, 2015
Messages: 6
It says there is full documentation on-line, but I sure cannot find it. Where does one look?
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569

The "on-line" documentation is in the application. Launch the QRecall program and choose Help > QRecall Help.

There's a Quick Start section if you just want to get started, and a Guide section with complete documentation.

There's also a Capture Assistant (Help > Capture Assistant). It will ask you a few questions and then use those answers to set up a basic backup solution.

- QRecall Development -
Aubrey Grey

Joined: Feb 4, 2015
Messages: 6
Ah, I see. "On-line" confused me thinking it meant the web site. Thank-you.
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