From your logs, it appears that you captured your home folder to the archive IncyBack. QRecall captured (read) 41.7 GB worth of files. Of this, 11.5 GB (28%) was duplicate, so the archive only grew by about 30.1 GB. You can see these numbers by increasing the detail level in the log viewer by one and expanding the line that says "Captured 33360 items, 41.7 GB (28% duplicate)". The details of that message will list exactly how much data was read, how much was duplicate (already in the archive), how much new data was written to the archive, and other miscellaneous details. The "problems" encountered during the capture are minor, and I intend to remove them from the log in future versions. They occur when QRecall reads a folder to determine what files to capture, then comes back a few moments later to actually capture them. If another process has deleted or renamed the file in the intervening time, QRecall logs a "File not found" error.