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IO Exception RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
Author Message
Steven M. Alper

Joined: Mar 5, 2007
Messages: 56
Probably a legitimate error, but maybe you could explain what's going on and if I need to repair something by hand?

Here's the log entries (any chance you could allow multiple selection and copying directly from the QRecall access version of the log?):

2007-07-21 23:59:56.544 -0400 #debug# -[QuantumScheduler logRotationTime:] [3.732878.2021.50]
2007-07-21 23:59:56.545 -0400 #debug# lastRotationDate: 2007-07-01 00:00:01 -0400 [3.732878.2021.50.1]
2007-07-21 23:59:56.568 -0400 #debug# schedule: #4 [3.732878.2021.50.2]
2007-07-21 23:59:56.569 -0400 #debug# keeping: 5 [3.732878.2021.50.3]
2007-07-21 23:59:56.569 -0400 #debug# next rotation: 2007-08-01 00:00:00 -0400 [3.732878.2021.50.4]
2007-07-21 23:59:56.569 -0400 #debug# now+1.0: 2007-07-21 23:59:57 -0400(206769597.541679) [3.732878.2021.50.5]
2007-07-21 23:59:56.570 -0400 #debug# next: 2007-08-01 00:00:00 -0400(207633600.000000) [3.732878.2021.50.6]
2007-07-21 23:59:56.570 -0400 #debug# no rotation (now<next) [3.732878.2021.50.7]
2007-07-22 00:00:00.000 -0400 #debug# -[QuantumScheduler logRotationTime:] [3.732878.2021.51]
2007-07-22 00:00:00.000 -0400 #debug# lastRotationDate: 2007-07-01 00:00:01 -0400 [3.732878.2021.51.1]
2007-07-22 00:00:00.000 -0400 #debug# schedule: #4 [3.732878.2021.51.2]
2007-07-22 00:00:00.000 -0400 #debug# keeping: 5 [3.732878.2021.51.3]
2007-07-22 00:00:00.000 -0400 #debug# next rotation: 2007-08-01 00:00:00 -0400 [3.732878.2021.51.4]
2007-07-22 00:00:00.000 -0400 #debug# now+1.0: 2007-07-22 00:00:00 -0400(206769600.999987) [3.732878.2021.51.5]
2007-07-22 00:00:00.001 -0400 #debug# next: 2007-08-01 00:00:00 -0400(207633600.000000) [3.732878.2021.51.6]
2007-07-22 00:00:00.001 -0400 #debug# no rotation (now<next) [3.732878.2021.51.7]
2007-07-22 02:00:00.884 -0400 #debug# started [2.732879.3220.1]
2007-07-22 02:00:00.885 -0400 #debug# helper: /Users/alper/Library/Application Support/QRecall/QRecallHelper [2.732879.3220.1.1]
2007-07-22 02:00:00.885 -0400 #debug# version: Helper-1.0.0b(45)-Jul 18 2007 [2.732879.3220.1.2]
2007-07-22 02:00:00.885 -0400 Details Helper running with administrative privileges [2.732879.3220.1.3]
2007-07-22 02:00:00.888 -0400 #debug# port: QRecallHelper.3220.2b8b4567 [2.732879.3220.1.4]
2007-07-22 02:00:00.888 -0400 #debug# command: capture [2.732879.3220.1.5]
2007-07-22 02:00:00.926 -0400 #debug# not running, hold reason set to "Waiting on scheduler" [2.732879.3220.2]
2007-07-22 02:00:00.961 -0400 #debug# hold released [2.732879.3220.3]
2007-07-22 02:00:00.973 -0400 ------- Capture to QRec-G5 [2.732879.3220]
2007-07-22 02:00:00.973 -0400 Details archive: /Volumes/NapAlp Backup/QRec-G5.quanta [2.732879.3220.4]
2007-07-22 02:00:00.974 -0400 #debug# executing [2.732879.3220.5]
2007-07-22 02:00:07.834 -0400 #debug# reconstructing negative hash map from 3830190 hash entries [2.732879.3220.6]
2007-07-22 02:00:39.547 -0400 #debug# negative hash rebuilt (1073741824 bits, 3823246 set) [2.732879.3220.7]
2007-07-22 02:00:53.788 -0400 #debug# -[HashFile anticipateHashGrowth:] total free=124578631680, practicalGrowth=4562205, maxGrowth=12947025, hashEntries=3830190, hashSize=33554432 [2.732879.3220.8]
2007-07-22 02:00:53.805 -0400 #debug# growth of 4562205 entries will not cause hash to exceed 33554432 entries [2.732879.3220.9]
2007-07-22 02:06:12.593 -0400 Capture Macintosh G5 HD [2.732879.3220.10.1]
2007-07-22 02:06:12.615 -0400 Details Macintosh G5 HD [2.732879.3220.10.1.1]
2007-07-22 03:30:00.999 -0400 #debug# started [2.732879.3413.1]
2007-07-22 03:30:01.048 -0400 #debug# helper: /Applications/QRecall.app/Contents/Resources/QRecallHelper [2.732879.3413.1.1]
2007-07-22 03:30:01.049 -0400 #debug# version: Helper-1.0.0b(45)-Jul 18 2007 [2.732879.3413.1.2]
2007-07-22 03:30:01.052 -0400 #debug# port: QRecallHelper.3413.327b23c6 [2.732879.3413.1.3]
2007-07-22 03:30:01.052 -0400 #debug# command: merge [2.732879.3413.1.4]
2007-07-22 03:30:01.084 -0400 #debug# not running, hold reason set to "Waiting on scheduler" [2.732879.3413.2]
2007-07-22 03:30:01.117 -0400 Minutia Waiting for action to finish [2.732879.3413.3]
2007-07-22 04:22:52.914 -0400 Caution Problems processing items [2.732879.3220.11]
2007-07-22 04:22:52.914 -0400 Could not capture com.apple.iCal.AlarmScheduler.plist [2.732879.3220.11.1]
2007-07-22 04:22:52.914 -0400 Details file not found [2.732879.3220.11.1.1]
2007-07-22 04:22:52.914 -0400 Details IO exception [2.732879.3220.]
2007-07-22 04:22:52.915 -0400 Subrosa .LogClass: 0 [2.732879.3220.]
2007-07-22 04:22:52.915 -0400 Details File: Macintosh G5 HD:Users:alper:Library:Preferences:com.apple.iCal.AlarmScheduler.plist [2.732879.3220.]
2007-07-22 04:22:52.915 -0400 Details File: Macintosh G5 HD:Users:alper:Library:Preferences:com.apple.iCal.AlarmScheduler.plist [2.732879.3220.11.1.2]
2007-07-22 05:22:42.955 -0400 Captured 4441 items, 4.62 GB (47% duplicate) [2.732879.3220.12]
2007-07-22 05:22:42.972 -0400 Details captured: 4.62 GB (4,967,371,251 bytes) [2.732879.3220.12.1]
2007-07-22 05:22:42.973 -0400 Details written: 2.44 GB (2,622,842,864 bytes) [2.732879.3220.12.2]
2007-07-22 05:22:42.973 -0400 Details duplicate: 2.19 GB (2,351,574,509 bytes) 47.34% [2.732879.3220.12.3]
2007-07-22 05:22:42.990 -0400 Details rate: 24.1 MB/min [2.732879.3220.12.4]
2007-07-22 05:22:42.991 -0400 Details files: 24,719 [2.732879.3220.12.5]
2007-07-22 05:22:42.991 -0400 Details folders: 7,349 [2.732879.3220.12.6]
2007-07-22 05:22:42.991 -0400 Details icons: 8 [2.732879.3220.12.7]
2007-07-22 05:22:43.027 -0400 #debug# sorting 84258 hash entries [2.732879.3220.13]
2007-07-22 05:22:43.111 -0400 #debug# writing 84258 new hash entries, flushing 0 [2.732879.3220.14]
2007-07-22 05:32:20.339 -0400 #debug# hash contains 3914448 entries [2.732879.3220.15]
2007-07-22 05:32:20.339 -0400 #debug# discarding negative hash map (1073741824 bits, 3907198 set) [2.732879.3220.16]
2007-07-22 05:32:29.584 -0400 #debug# FillMap: holes=0, free bytes=0 [2.732879.3220.17]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.451 -0400 #debug# Caught exception [2.732879.3220.18]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.452 -0400 Details problems encountered [2.732879.3220.18.1]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.452 -0400 Details Info exception [2.732879.3220.18.1.1]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.452 -0400 Subrosa .LogClass: 3 [2.732879.3220.18.1.2]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.452 -0400 Subrosa .Complete: 1 [2.732879.3220.18.1.3]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.452 -0400 Subrosa .Command: capture [2.732879.3220.18.1.4]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.453 -0400 Subrosa .Explain: iffycapture [2.732879.3220.18.1.5]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.453 -0400 Capture encountered problems [2.732879.3220.19]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.453 -0400 One or more problems were encountered during the capture. [2.732879.3220.19.1]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.455 -0400 ------- Capture finished (3:31:59) [2.732879.3220.20]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.456 -0400 #debug# stopped [2.732879.3220.21]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.516 -0400 #debug# Reopened log file [3.732878.2021.53]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.464 -0400 #debug# command returned exception [3.732878.2021.52]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.516 -0400 Details problems encountered [3.732878.2021.52.1]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.517 -0400 Details Info exception [3.732878.2021.52.1.1]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.517 -0400 Subrosa .Complete: 1 [3.732878.2021.52.1.2]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.517 -0400 Subrosa .LogClass: 3 [3.732878.2021.52.1.3]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.517 -0400 Subrosa .Command: capture [3.732878.2021.52.1.4]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.517 -0400 Subrosa .Explain: iffycapture [3.732878.2021.52.1.5]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.517 -0400 Subrosa .LogLine: 2.732879.3220 [3.732878.2021.52.1.6]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.570 -0400 #debug# Reopened log file [4.732878.2012.5]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.525 -0400 #debug# command returned exception [4.732878.2012.4]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.572 -0400 Details problems encountered [4.732878.2012.4.1]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.572 -0400 Details Info exception [4.732878.2012.4.1.1]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.572 -0400 Subrosa .Complete: 1 [4.732878.2012.4.1.2]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.572 -0400 Subrosa .LogClass: 3 [4.732878.2012.4.1.3]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.572 -0400 Subrosa .Command: capture [4.732878.2012.4.1.4]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.572 -0400 Subrosa .Explain: iffycapture [4.732878.2012.4.1.5]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.573 -0400 Subrosa .LogLine: 2.732879.3220 [4.732878.2012.4.1.6]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.625 -0400 #debug# hold released [2.732879.3413.4]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.630 -0400 ------- Merge layers in QRec-G5 [2.732879.3413]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.632 -0400 Details archive: /Volumes/NapAlp Backup/QRec-G5.quanta [2.732879.3413.5]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.632 -0400 #debug# executing [2.732879.3413.6]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.966 -0400 #debug# rolling layer picker found layers 2-3 between 2007-06-01 00:00:00 -0400 and 2007-06-24 00:00:00 -0400 [2.732879.3413.7]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.966 -0400 Merging layers 2 through 3 [2.732879.3413.8]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.966 -0400 Details Layer 2 dated 2007-06-13 03:36:50 -0400 [2.732879.3413.8.1]
2007-07-22 05:32:53.966 -0400 Details Layer 3 dated 2007-06-20 04:09:56 -0400 [2.732879.3413.8.2]
2007-07-22 05:32:54.715 -0400 #debug# discovered recent 'QRec-G5.quanta', mod=2007-07-22 05:22:42 -0400, repository=/Volumes/NapAlp Backup/QRec-G5.quanta [4.732878.2012.6]
2007-07-22 05:32:59.457 -0400 #debug# CaptureCommand has no listeners, terminating process [2.732879.3220.22]
2007-07-22 05:35:53.487 -0400 #debug# FillMap: holes=2, free bytes=3149848 [2.732879.3413.9]
2007-07-22 05:35:54.629 -0400 ------- Merge finished (03:00) [2.732879.3413.10]
2007-07-22 05:35:54.633 -0400 #debug# stopped [2.732879.3413.11]
2007-07-22 05:36:00.635 -0400 #debug# MergeCommand has no listeners, terminating process [2.732879.3413.12]
2007-07-22 23:59:55.152 -0400 #debug# -[QuantumScheduler logRotationTime:] [3.732878.2021.54]
2007-07-22 23:59:55.153 -0400 #debug# lastRotationDate: 2007-07-01 00:00:01 -0400 [3.732878.2021.54.1]
2007-07-22 23:59:55.164 -0400 #debug# schedule: #4 [3.732878.2021.54.2]
2007-07-22 23:59:55.164 -0400 #debug# keeping: 5 [3.732878.2021.54.3]
2007-07-22 23:59:55.164 -0400 #debug# next rotation: 2007-08-01 00:00:00 -0400 [3.732878.2021.54.4]
2007-07-22 23:59:55.164 -0400 #debug# now+1.0: 2007-07-22 23:59:56 -0400(206855996.136678) [3.732878.2021.54.5]
2007-07-22 23:59:55.165 -0400 #debug# next: 2007-08-01 00:00:00 -0400(207633600.000000) [3.732878.2021.54.6]
2007-07-22 23:59:55.165 -0400 #debug# no rotation (now<next) [3.732878.2021.54.7]
2007-07-22 23:59:59.999 -0400 #debug# -[QuantumScheduler logRotationTime:] [3.732878.2021.55]
2007-07-23 00:00:00.000 -0400 #debug# lastRotationDate: 2007-07-01 00:00:01 -0400 [3.732878.2021.55.1]
2007-07-23 00:00:00.000 -0400 #debug# schedule: #4 [3.732878.2021.55.2]
2007-07-23 00:00:00.000 -0400 #debug# keeping: 5 [3.732878.2021.55.3]
2007-07-23 00:00:00.000 -0400 #debug# next rotation: 2007-08-01 00:00:00 -0400 [3.732878.2021.55.4]
2007-07-23 00:00:00.000 -0400 #debug# now+1.0: 2007-07-23 00:00:00 -0400(206856000.999804) [3.732878.2021.55.5]
2007-07-23 00:00:00.000 -0400 #debug# next: 2007-08-01 00:00:00 -0400(207633600.000000) [3.732878.2021.55.6]
2007-07-23 00:00:00.000 -0400 #debug# no rotation (now<next) [3.732878.2021.55.7]
2007-07-23 01:00:00.904 -0400 #debug# started [2.732880.4805.1]
2007-07-23 01:00:00.905 -0400 #debug# helper: /Applications/QRecall.app/Contents/Resources/QRecallHelper [2.732880.4805.1.1]
2007-07-23 01:00:00.905 -0400 #debug# version: Helper-1.0.0b(45)-Jul 18 2007 [2.732880.4805.1.2]
2007-07-23 01:00:00.909 -0400 #debug# port: QRecallHelper.4805.243c9869 [2.732880.4805.1.3]
2007-07-23 01:00:00.910 -0400 #debug# command: verify [2.732880.4805.1.4]
2007-07-23 01:00:00.929 -0400 #debug# not running, hold reason set to "Waiting on scheduler" [2.732880.4805.2]
2007-07-23 01:00:00.957 -0400 #debug# hold released [2.732880.4805.3]
2007-07-23 01:00:00.958 -0400 ------- Verify QRec-G5 [2.732880.4805]
2007-07-23 01:00:00.959 -0400 Details archive: /Volumes/NapAlp Backup/QRec-G5.quanta [2.732880.4805.4]
2007-07-23 01:00:00.959 -0400 #debug# executing [2.732880.4805.5]
2007-07-23 01:00:07.684 -0400 #debug# reconstructing negative hash map from 3914448 hash entries [2.732880.4805.6]
2007-07-23 01:00:39.348 -0400 #debug# negative hash rebuilt (1073741824 bits, 3907198 set) [2.732880.4805.7]
2007-07-23 02:00:01.770 -0400 #debug# started [2.732880.4875.1]
2007-07-23 02:00:01.791 -0400 #debug# helper: /Applications/QRecall.app/Contents/Resources/QRecallHelper [2.732880.4875.1.1]
2007-07-23 02:00:01.793 -0400 #debug# version: Helper-1.0.0b(45)-Jul 18 2007 [2.732880.4875.1.2]
2007-07-23 02:00:01.796 -0400 #debug# port: QRecallHelper.4875.26334873 [2.732880.4875.1.3]
2007-07-23 02:00:01.796 -0400 #debug# command: compact [2.732880.4875.1.4]
2007-07-23 02:00:01.829 -0400 #debug# not running, hold reason set to "Waiting on scheduler" [2.732880.4875.2]
2007-07-23 02:00:01.834 -0400 Minutia Waiting for action to finish [2.732880.4875.3]
2007-07-23 03:30:14.868 -0400 ------- Verify finished (2:29:21) [2.732880.4805.8]
2007-07-23 03:30:14.890 -0400 #debug# stopped [2.732880.4805.9]
2007-07-23 03:30:15.034 -0400 #debug# hold released [2.732880.4875.4]
2007-07-23 03:30:15.035 -0400 ------- Compact QRec-G5 [2.732880.4875]
2007-07-23 03:30:15.035 -0400 Details archive: /Volumes/NapAlp Backup/QRec-G5.quanta [2.732880.4875.5]
2007-07-23 03:30:15.035 -0400 #debug# executing [2.732880.4875.6]
2007-07-23 03:30:15.127 -0400 #debug# reconstructing negative hash map from 3914448 hash entries [2.732880.4875.7]
2007-07-23 03:30:20.891 -0400 #debug# VerifyCommand has no listeners, terminating process [2.732880.4805.10]
2007-07-23 03:30:46.849 -0400 #debug# negative hash rebuilt (1073741824 bits, 3907198 set) [2.732880.4875.8]
2007-07-23 03:34:26.277 -0400 #debug# writing 0 new hash entries, flushing 1 [2.732880.4875.9]
2007-07-23 03:34:26.731 -0400 #debug# hash contains 3914448 entries [2.732880.4875.10]
2007-07-23 09:42:02.020 -0400 Recovered 380.4 MB (398,906,224 bytes) [2.732880.4875.11]
2007-07-23 09:42:02.052 -0400 #debug# writing 0 new hash entries, flushing 1 [2.732880.4875.12]
2007-07-23 09:42:02.100 -0400 #debug# hash contains 3901639 entries [2.732880.4875.13]
2007-07-23 09:42:02.101 -0400 #debug# discarding negative hash map (1073741824 bits, 3894429 set) [2.732880.4875.14]
2007-07-23 09:42:02.155 -0400 #debug# FillMap: holes=0, free bytes=0 [2.732880.4875.15]
2007-07-23 09:42:26.482 -0400 ------- Compact finished (6:11:39) [2.732880.4875.16]
2007-07-23 09:42:26.483 -0400 #debug# stopped [2.732880.4875.17]
2007-07-23 09:42:32.484 -0400 #debug# CompactCommand has no listeners, terminating process [2.732880.4875.18]
2007-07-23 09:59:02.241 -0400 #debug# Reopened log file [3.732878.2021.57]
2007-07-23 09:59:02.241 -0400 Details Scheduler resigning [3.732878.2021.56]
2007-07-23 09:59:02.412 -0400 #debug# Duplicate instance of Scheduler retiring [3.732880.5477.1]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.572 -0400 #debug# -[DiskArbitrationSteward init] known volume vol:Macintosh G5 HD-2005-08-17 17:29:14 -0400-160028553216 [3.732880.5477.2]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.573 -0400 #debug# -[DiskArbitrationSteward init] known volume vol:NapAlp Backup-2007-03-05 10:49:00 -0500-319937773568 [3.732880.5477.3]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.591 -0400 #debug# -[QuantumScheduler logRotationTime:] [3.732880.5477.4]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.591 -0400 #debug# lastRotationDate: 2007-07-01 00:00:01 -0400 [3.732880.5477.4.1]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.614 -0400 #debug# schedule: #4 [3.732880.5477.4.2]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.614 -0400 #debug# keeping: 5 [3.732880.5477.4.3]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.614 -0400 #debug# next rotation: 2007-08-01 00:00:00 -0400 [3.732880.5477.4.4]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.614 -0400 #debug# now+1.0: 2007-07-23 09:59:09 -0400(206891949.591234) [3.732880.5477.4.5]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.615 -0400 #debug# next: 2007-08-01 00:00:00 -0400(207633600.000000) [3.732880.5477.4.6]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.615 -0400 #debug# no rotation (now<next) [3.732880.5477.4.7]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.938 -0400 #debug# -[DiskArbitrationSteward fireDiskAppearedNotification:] path=file://localhost/Volumes/NapAlp%20Backup/, uuid=16921095-1AAD-3DDC-A7AE-10190AC3AB10, stale [3.732880.5477.5]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.939 -0400 #debug# notification info: [3.732880.5477.5.1]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.939 -0400 #debug# DiskAppearedInfo: [3.732880.5477.5.1.1]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.939 -0400 #debug# DAMediaBlockSize: 512 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.939 -0400 #debug# DAMediaBSDName: disk1s10 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.939 -0400 #debug# DADeviceUnit: 0 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.939 -0400 #debug# DADevicePath: IOService:/MacRISC4PE/ht@0,f2000000/AppleMacRiscHT/pci@5/IOPCI2PCIBridge/firewire@E/AppleFWOHCI/IOFireWireController/IOFireWireDevice@90a990e011379d/IOFireWireUnit/IOFireWireSBP2Target/IOFireWireSBP2LUN/IOFireWireSerialBusProtocolTransport/IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceNub/IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType00/IOBlockStorageServices [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.939 -0400 #debug# DABusPath: IODeviceTree:fw/node@90a990e011379d/sbp-2@c000 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.940 -0400 #debug# DAVolumeMountable: 1 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.940 -0400 #debug# DADeviceModel: 3200JS External [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.940 -0400 #debug# DAMediaEjectable: 0 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.940 -0400 #debug# DAMediaBSDMajor: 14 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.940 -0400 #debug# DAMediaContent: Apple_HFS [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.940 -0400 #debug# DAMediaPath: IODeviceTree:fw/node@90a990e011379d/sbp-2@c000/@0:10 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.940 -0400 #debug# DAVolumeNetwork: 0 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.940 -0400 #debug# DAMediaSize: 319937773568 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.941 -0400 #debug# DAMediaWhole: 0 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.941 -0400 #debug# DAMediaWritable: 1 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.941 -0400 #debug# DADeviceGUID: <0090a990 e011379d > [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.941 -0400 #debug# DAVolumeName: NapAlp Backup [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.941 -0400 #debug# DAMediaRemovable: 0 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.941 -0400 #debug# DADeviceVendor: WD [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.941 -0400 #debug# DAAppearanceTime: 206726763.658905 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.941 -0400 #debug# DAMediaName: Apple_HFS_Untitled_1 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.941 -0400 #debug# DAMediaLeaf: 1 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.941 -0400 #debug# DAMediaBSDMinor: 19 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.942 -0400 #debug# DAMediaKind: IOMedia [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.942 -0400 #debug# DAVolumeUUID: <NSCFType: 0x31cee0> [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.942 -0400 #debug# DADeviceProtocol: FireWire [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.942 -0400 #debug# DABusName: sbp-2 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.942 -0400 #debug# DADeviceInternal: 0 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.942 -0400 #debug# DADeviceRevision: 106a [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.942 -0400 #debug# DAVolumeKind: hfs [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.942 -0400 #debug# DAMediaIcon: [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.942 -0400 #debug# IOBundleResourceFile: FireWireHD.icns [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.942 -0400 #debug# CFBundleIdentifier: com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.943 -0400 #debug# DAMediaBSDUnit: 1 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.943 -0400 #debug# DAVolumePath: file://localhost/Volumes/NapAlp%20Backup/ [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.943 -0400 #debug# MountPath: /Volumes/NapAlp Backup [3.732880.5477.5.1.2]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.943 -0400 #debug# DiskFileManagerInfo: [3.732880.5477.5.1.3]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.943 -0400 #debug# NSFileSystemFreeSize: 122385649664 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.943 -0400 #debug# NSFileSystemNumber: 234881043 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.943 -0400 #debug# NSFileSystemSize: 319937773568 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.943 -0400 #debug# NSFileSystemFreeNodes: 29879309 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.943 -0400 #debug# NSFileSystemNodes: 78109806 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.944 -0400 #debug# StaleNotification: 1 [3.732880.5477.5.1.4]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.944 -0400 #debug# DiskIdentifier: 16921095-1AAD-3DDC-A7AE-10190AC3AB10 [3.732880.5477.5.1.5]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.944 -0400 #debug# -[DiskArbitrationSteward fireDiskAppearedNotification:] path=file://localhost/, uuid=61167D03-F5CE-3878-B99E-E9B1A6590516, stale [3.732880.5477.6]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.944 -0400 #debug# notification info: [3.732880.5477.6.1]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.944 -0400 #debug# DiskAppearedInfo: [3.732880.5477.6.1.1]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.944 -0400 #debug# DAMediaBlockSize: 512 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.944 -0400 #debug# DAMediaBSDName: disk0s9 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.944 -0400 #debug# DADeviceUnit: 0 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.945 -0400 #debug# DADevicePath: IOService:/MacRISC4PE/ht@0,f2000000/AppleMacRiscHT/pci@7/IOPCI2PCIBridge/k2-sata-root@C/AppleK2SATARoot/k2-sata@0/AppleK2SATA/ATADeviceNub@0/IOATABlockStorageDriver/IOATABlockStorageDevice [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.945 -0400 #debug# DAVolumeMountable: 1 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.945 -0400 #debug# DABusPath: IODeviceTree:first-boot [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.945 -0400 #debug# DADeviceModel: ST3160023AS [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.945 -0400 #debug# DAMediaEjectable: 0 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.945 -0400 #debug# DAMediaBSDMajor: 14 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.945 -0400 #debug# DAMediaContent: Apple_HFS [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.945 -0400 #debug# DAMediaPath: IODeviceTree:first-boot/@0:9 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.945 -0400 #debug# DAVolumeNetwork: 0 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.946 -0400 #debug# DAMediaSize: 160040947712 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.946 -0400 #debug# DAMediaWhole: 0 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.946 -0400 #debug# DAMediaWritable: 1 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.946 -0400 #debug# DAVolumeName: Macintosh G5 HD [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.946 -0400 #debug# DAMediaRemovable: 0 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.946 -0400 #debug# DAMediaName: Untitled [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.946 -0400 #debug# DAAppearanceTime: 206665735.43756 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.946 -0400 #debug# DAMediaLeaf: 1 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.946 -0400 #debug# DAMediaBSDMinor: 9 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.946 -0400 #debug# DAMediaKind: IOMedia [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.947 -0400 #debug# DAVolumeUUID: <NSCFType: 0x31f960> [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.947 -0400 #debug# DADeviceProtocol: ATA [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.947 -0400 #debug# DABusName: k2-sata [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.947 -0400 #debug# DADeviceInternal: 1 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.947 -0400 #debug# DAVolumeKind: hfs [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.947 -0400 #debug# DADeviceRevision: 3.05 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.947 -0400 #debug# DAMediaIcon: [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.947 -0400 #debug# IOBundleResourceFile: Internal.icns [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.947 -0400 #debug# CFBundleIdentifier: com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.947 -0400 #debug# DAMediaBSDUnit: 0 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.948 -0400 #debug# DAVolumePath: file://localhost/ [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.948 -0400 #debug# MountPath: / [3.732880.5477.6.1.2]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.948 -0400 #debug# DiskFileManagerInfo: [3.732880.5477.6.1.3]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.948 -0400 #debug# NSFileSystemFreeSize: 25852174336 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.948 -0400 #debug# NSFileSystemNumber: 234881033 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.948 -0400 #debug# NSFileSystemSize: 160028553216 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.948 -0400 #debug# NSFileSystemFreeNodes: 6311566 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.948 -0400 #debug# NSFileSystemNodes: 39069469 [3.732880.5477.]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.948 -0400 #debug# StaleNotification: 1 [3.732880.5477.6.1.4]
2007-07-23 09:59:08.949 -0400 #debug# DiskIdentifier: 61167D03-F5CE-3878-B99E-E9B1A6590516 [3.732880.5477.6.1.5]

More than you need, I'm sure. I'm attaching the current log file for easier reading. I think it's the entry that begins at 2007-07-21 23:59:56.544 -0400.


-- Steven M. Alper
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
It's a harmless error. I'm planning to remove these kinds of errors in a future version.

These occurs when some process deletes or replaces a file between the time that QRecall reads a folder to determine which files need to be captured, and it actually captures the file. If the file has been removed or replaced in the mean time, the OS returns a "file not found" error, QRecall logs it, and moves on.

For files that are contently being replaced (like the iCal preference file in your example), this is fairly typical occurrence. What QRecall needs to do is find out if the file has been replaced with something else and capture that instead, or record that the file has been permanently deleted.

It has no impact on the integrity of the archive.

(any chance you could allow multiple selection and copying directly from the QRecall access version of the log?):

It's already on my to-do list.

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