My bad. The log entries are property sorted, the problem is that the dates are wrong. What's happened is that the timestamps in the last week of December have the wrong year, 2016-12-27 instead of 2015-12-27, which puts them far into the future. The date formatter used to create the log entries was erroneously using the "YYYY-MM-dd..." format, when it should have been using "yyyy-MM-dd..." format. The YYYY specifier is the "year designation used in ISO year-week calendar as defined by ISO 8601", whatever the hell that is. Anyway, it's not the calendar year. I've fixed it, but you'll have to wait until your log records get rotated out before they disappear. If you find it super annoying, just trash all of the log files in ~/Library/Logs/QRecall and restart. If you want to fix this without losing your log history, you'll have to get tricky. You could use an editor to replace all instances of "2016-12-" with "2015-12-", for example.