I had a backup issue tonight and and when I looked at the log I found that the files it had failed on were associated with Zoolz, a Cloud backup service I recently signed up for that was running at the time. In spite of the problems with those files, the backup produced a good backup layer that just didn't contain those files. I then turned off Zoolz and reran the backup, and it ran fine. There's probably a way of excluding invisible directories and eliminating the problem, and even if not, it wouldn't be terrible not to be able to run Zoolz and Qrecall at the same time. I thought you'd like to know about this issue, though, as something that might come up in other situations when Qrecall is running at the same time as other data-intensive activities. The 2016-03-16 19:41:47 Capture to 2nd backup.quanta in the Report I've submitted is the one that displays the problem.