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Trial key doesn't work RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Jack Beckman

Joined: Jun 18, 2016
Messages: 2

I'm trying to see if I want to buy the product. Tried all three trial keys offered on the web site. Each one in preferences says it's good for 14 days, but any attempt to actually capture any data is met with "The identity key is missing or invalid." I have version
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568
Sorry to hear your trial key isn't working.

It's likely due a quirk (bug) in OS X. Starting around OS X 10.9, access to preference files are coordinated by a background process named cfprefsd. This is actually a good thing, and solves a lot of issues with multiple processes stomping on each other's preference values.

Unfortunately, it also introduced a bug where one process can't see the changes made by another process for long periods of time, sometimes indefinitely. When you entered the trial key it was stored in your QRecall application preferences, but the helper process (the one that actually performs a capture) can't see it.

Usually a restart of your system is all that's needed to clear the log jam. Try that and see if the trial key starts working. (Killing the cfprefsd might work too, but I've had reports that sometimes that isn't enough.)

If that doesn't work for some reason, send a diagnostic report: in the QRecall application choose Help > Send Report… and we'll look further into it.

- QRecall Development -
Jack Beckman

Joined: Jun 18, 2016
Messages: 2
Thanks, a restart seems to have taken care of it.
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