James Bucanek wrote:QRecall found approximately 2 MB of damaged data. The other 99.992% of 12.4GB is just fine.
Then I guess some reserve may be needed when such an archive is displayed after "repair": -damaged- was written all over it.
Is this archive new or have you been using it for some time?
New. The first capture did not finish.
What were the actions (if any) leading up to the one that failed?
Nothing manual. I started a capture of the entire disk on a remote volume. It never finished. The machine may have slept.
Where is the archive stored? Are there other files/archives on this volume and are they OK?
OS X Server afp:// share. 288GB used out of 400 GB. After this I did run DU on it as you suggested and it repaired the volume header. As far as I can tell, all files are OK on the volume.
Note that I did try to backup on a volume mounted by an Airport Extreme and also had strange issues (see other thread). I am only mentioning it because it's again a strange issue associating QRecall and network mounted volumes (which seem to work OK for everything else).
When you repaired the archive, did you tell QRecall to recover incomplete files?
Nope, there is an option about making a copy that I did not select. I only did the backup to test QRecall in the first place. It did not capture the entire volume. So there was little value in recovering the archive.
Hope this helps!