We're not seeing that here, but let's isolate the problem to see if the problem is the monitor app or the interface that sets the preferences for the monitor. (My money is on the later.)
1. Perform a "quick" uninstall of QRecall (Holding down the Option and Shift keys, choose QRecall > Quit and Uninstall).
2. At this point you can, optionally, restart your system. This should work without a restart, but you never know. (In fact, it
should work without steps 1 and 4, but settings preferences for other apps while those apps are running is no longer reliable.)
3. Open up Terminal and run the command
defaults write com.qrecall.monitor QRMonitorRegularAppMode -int 1
4. Launch QRecall again and re-authorize it
This should manually set the "always" mode for the monitor in the dock. Check to see if it's behaving that way (Monitor app appears in the dock when no QRecall actions are running.)
If this works, then the problem is somewhere in the preferences UI. After you set it this way, don't try to change it again using the preferences UI (until we get it fixed) as doing so will likely reset it again.