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wake up for backup? RSS feed
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Ralph Strauch

Joined: Oct 24, 2007
Messages: 194
The Energy saver control pane contains an option to "Wake up for Ethernet administrator access." Would it be possible for qrecall to generate such a request, so that other computers on a network could wake up the one with the backup drive attached to do backups?

Related question: Could qrecall have an action to wake up for a scheduled backup rather than scheduling the wakup separately in another place?

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Ralph Strauch wrote:The Energy saver control pane contains an option to "Wake up for Ethernet administrator access." Would it be possible for qrecall to generate such a request, so that other computers on a network could wake up the one with the backup drive attached to do backups?
I've been putting this off until the network version of QRecall, where it would make much more sense.

In the mean time, try a program like WakeOnLan.

Related question: Could qrecall have an action to wake up for a scheduled backup rather than scheduling the wakup separately in another place?
This is the third request I've received for this feature, but I'm very reluctant to implement it. Macs have a single programable wake up timer. To change it would mean overwriting whatever wake up time you currently have chosen. Then what happens if you create two actions that run at different times that both want to wake up the system? Then what happens if you go back into the system preferences and select a new wake up time? Basically, I'm not a fan of applications that start changing system-wide preferences.

- QRecall Development -
Ralph Strauch

Joined: Oct 24, 2007
Messages: 194
James Bucanek wrote:
This is the third request I've received for this feature, but I'm very reluctant to implement it. Macs have a single programable wake up timer. To change it would mean overwriting whatever wake up time you currently have chosen. Then what happens if you create two actions that run at different times that both want to wake up the system? Then what happens if you go back into the system preferences and select a new wake up time? Basically, I'm not a fan of applications that start changing system-wide preferences

Great explanation. Thanks.
Nicholas Sloan

Joined: Jul 4, 2008
Messages: 18
James Bucanek wrote:This is the third request I've received for this feature, but I'm very reluctant to implement it. Macs have a single programable wake up timer. To change it would mean overwriting whatever wake up time you currently have chosen. Then what happens if you create two actions that run at different times that both want to wake up the system? Then what happens if you go back into the system preferences and select a new wake up time? Basically, I'm not a fan of applications that start changing system-wide preferences.
You will know far more about this than me, but why is it then that other apps (Synk?) seem to have no difficulty in adding multiple power events without interfering with the existing Energy Saver schedule setting?

I run a nightly clone with SuperDuper, as well as a variety of QRecall actions, and it seems a little klunky to have to use another app like iBeezz or Power Manager to set up a list of wake times to synchronize with the QRecall events. If it is a question of limited coding time I could understand that, but an objection in principle baffles me a bit.

Thanks, Nick
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Nicholas Sloan wrote:You will know far more about this than me, but why is it then that other apps (Synk?) seem to have no difficulty in adding multiple power events without interfering with the existing Energy Saver schedule setting?

Most of the well-written utilities (like Power Manager) manage to coexist with Apple's single wake time that you can schedule in the Energy Saver preference pane. They do it by running a daemon process that automatically updates the next auto-wake time as needed. In doing so, they can implement a complex schedule of wake times even though there's only one hardware wake time.

For QRecall set its own wake time, it would have to implement something similar. I'm still not sure how that would interact with other programs, like Power Manager, if both are trying to implement their own schedule. I will, however, set some time aside to research the problem.

- QRecall Development -
Nicholas Sloan

Joined: Jul 4, 2008
Messages: 18
Thank you for that very clear (and prompt) explanation of the problem. And thank you too for considering the problem further.

Of course if QRecall was doing its own auto-waking, I would not need another app to do it, and if I did need an independent auto-waker for some reason, then I could disable auto-wake (and its associated daemon) in QRecall. At any rate, the conflict could be documented, and in theory QR could even check for the existence of other 3rd party power managers, and disable itself or put up an alert.
(Does anyone incidentally have any experience of iBeezz or Task3 in comparison to Power Manager?)

I don't think I mentioned that I find the interface of QRecall, especially the archive listings, to be a thing of beauty.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Nicholas Sloan wrote:I don't think I mentioned that I find the interface of QRecall, especially the archive listings, to be a thing of beauty.


Stay tuned, because I plan to add a lot of new interface features over the next few months.

- QRecall Development -
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