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1.1 b6 Instal Problem RSS feed
Forum Index » Beta Version
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Charles Watts-Jones

Joined: Oct 14, 2007
Messages: 57
Location: France
I have QRecallMonitor running. The beta complains about this and won't instal. And the instal then complains about 'Resources'. I can't find that in Activity Monitor, is it the same as 'QRecallScheduler'? If so, should I have Activity Monitor kill them both?

By the way Bookdog ships with a Terminal script that does the necessary before updating. Something QRecall might have too?

-- Charles
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576
Charles Watts-Jones wrote:I have QRecallMonitor running. The beta complains about this and won't instal. And the instal then complains about 'Resources'. I can't find that in Activity Monitor, is it the same as 'QRecallScheduler'? If so, should I have Activity Monitor kill them both?
Please send me your log file.

Out of curiosity, did you follow the installation procedure at http://www.qrecall.com/download/?

By the way Bookdog ships with a Terminal script that does the necessary before updating. Something QRecall might have too?
QRecall automatically removes and replaces all old components with the new ones. No install or uninstall scripts are required.

If you would like to uninstall QRecall before installing a different version, choose QRecall > Uninstall and Quit (Command+Option+Shift+Q) in the old version, then install and run the new version.

- QRecall Development -
Charles Watts-Jones

Joined: Oct 14, 2007
Messages: 57
Location: France
Please send me your log file.

On its way separately and direct.

Out of curiosity, did you follow the installation procedure at <http://www.qrecall.com/download/>

No in that I didn't trash the current version (in my defence I'd add that I had never read that page before), I just tried to instal over it which is my usual practice with upgrades. Following the beta advice works as you would expect, I guess.

-- Charles
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576
Charles Watts-Jones wrote:No in that I didn't trash the current version …, I just tried to instal over it which is my usual practice with upgrades.
That's where you ran into trouble.

QRecall installs several components and a background processes, some of which are contained in the application bundle. This means that the application bundle contains resource files which are always in use. Attempting to replace the existing application with the new one fails, because the Finder refuses to delete the files that are active. You end up with a half-deleted/half-installed version of QRecall.

Normally, you'll never encounter this. The initial installation is immune, and upgrades are handled automatically by a process that first downloads the new version, sets the old one aside, starts the new version which uninstalls the resources open in the old one, and then safely removes the old version.

Manually switching from a release version to a new beta is where some care must be taken.

(in my defense I'd add that I had never read that page before)
That's because, until this second beta, no one — except maybe myself and a few testers — has ever needed to install a new beta over a released version.

- QRecall Development -
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