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Will QRecall support REV drives and spanning across volumes RSS feed
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Bob Fairbairn

Joined: Aug 30, 2008
Messages: 1

This is a pre-sale question. I am using REV drives to backup off site to my safe deposit box. I am to the point I do not want to manually drag and drop my files and my photo library is larger than a single drive. I cannot see if the program will span drives on output so my 50 gb or so will cross two drives. Is this possible?
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
A QRecall archive will not span volumes. The very nature of how QRecall works requires that entire contents of the archive be available while capturing new data, so typical volume spanning won't work.

You might find that you can split up your source material and capture one portion to an archive on one drive and another portion to a second archive on a second drive. QRecall's duplicate data detection and compression[1] might allow you to store half of your data plus quite a bit of history on a single volume. You can obtain a free trial identity key to see just how efficiently QRecall can pack data on your drive.

Backing up each data set to its respective volume can be completely automated.

[1] Photo collections are already pretty well compressed, so compression won't help much for this type of file.

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