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Jeffrey Kane

Joined: May 24, 2019
Messages: 8
It there a way to list out the files that QRecall would replace when trying to restore a volume without performing the task? I accidentally may have deleted files from the command line (I won't write the dreaded unix command I issued here), and I just want to check the delta against my archive without actually performing the task initially to access what damage I may have done.

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576

The answer is "kinda," at least for files that have been deleted.

In the QRecall browser window there are two commands: Edit > Select existing items and Edit > Invert Selection. You can see where this is going...

  • Browser the archive to the folder where you deleted files.

  • Choose Edit > Select existing items

  • Choose Edit > Invert Selection

  • The remaining items selected are the ones that exist in your archive but do not exist in your filesystem.

    Occasionally I get requests for a restore "pre-flight" feature that will definitively list the items that would be restored. It's tentatively on the 3.0 development list, but we haven't gotten to it yet.

    Quick poll: Would a "preflight" feature still be useful if it was only available from the command line?

    - QRecall Development -
    Jeffrey Kane

    Joined: May 24, 2019
    Messages: 8
    I know I would, as I often use qrecall to double check if I did something "stupid" (or one of my other products that deletes duplicates automatically did)
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