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Bruce Giles

Joined: Dec 5, 2007
Messages: 95
There's one thing about QRecall's user interface that bugs me a little. When I'm in the Finder, in a list view window, and I double-click on a folder, the folder opens. When I do the same thing in a QRecall archive window, because old habits die hard, it immediately does a recall of the double-clicked folder.

Usually, that isn't what I wanted to happen. What I wanted was to see what was inside the folder. I wish QRecall had a preference that would let me decide what it should do when I double-click something in the archive. At a minimum, it would be good if it could act as if I had clicked the disclosure triangle. That's not quite the same as what happens in the Finder, but it achieves a similar result.

When I do accidentally recall a folder that way, I see that QRecall puts it in a subfolder of /private/tmp. If I remember correctly, that folder is automatically cleared on startup (or maybe shutdown?). Does that mean I don't need to worry about explicitly deleting accidental recalls, as long as I don't mind them hanging around until I reboot?
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568
Bruce Giles wrote:There's one thing about QRecall's user interface that bugs me a little. When I'm in the Finder, in a list view window, and I double-click on a folder, the folder opens. When I do the same thing in a QRecall archive window, because old habits die hard, it immediately does a recall of the double-clicked folder.
You are not the first to complain about this particular "feature." I plan to address this issue in the next release.

Usually, that isn't what I wanted to happen. What I wanted was to see what was inside the folder. I wish QRecall had a preference that would let me decide what it should do when I double-click something in the archive. At a minimum, it would be good if it could act as if I had clicked the disclosure triangle.
That's a good suggestion. I've also considered disabling the double-click action so you would be forced to use the Action > Recall and Open command explicitly.

When I do accidentally recall a folder that way, I see that QRecall puts it in a subfolder of /private/tmp. If I remember correctly, that folder is automatically cleared on startup (or maybe shutdown?).
/private/tmp gets cleared on restart and is also (normally) scanned once a day for items that have not been accessed in the last 3 days. (see /etc/defaults/periodic.conf and /etc/periodic/daily/110.clean-tmps).

Does that mean I don't need to worry about explicitly deleting accidental recalls, as long as I don't mind them hanging around until I reboot?
Yes, which is exactly why they get recalled to /tmp.

- QRecall Development -
Bruce Giles

Joined: Dec 5, 2007
Messages: 95
James Bucanek wrote:That's a good suggestion. I've also considered disabling the double-click action so you would be forced to use the Action > Recall and Open command explicitly.

That would work for me. I never remember that double-clicking an item will do a recall anyway, until I do it unintentionally.
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